Bio-Pen Pictures, page 423

residing in a cottage home on Hamilton Avenue, is the owner of a fine orchard of ten acres, which was improved from a stubble-field.  She purchased the property in the spring of 1880, the frame of her residence being erected and inclosed at the time of the purchase.  The orchard, which is in fine condition, furnishes a large variety of fruit, of which French prunes form the largest part.

            Mrs. Wilson dates her birth in Maryland, 1837.  She is the daughter of John and Louisa (Ash) Kinkead.  Her father traced his descent back to the coming of the founder of the family in America from the Old World about 1670.  Her mother was a descendant from an old Quaker family which originally came from Germany.  Mrs. Wilson’s adopted home was Pennsylvania.  July 28, 1858, she married Alexander Wilson, who was born in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, June 16, 1821, and was of one of the long-established and prominent families of Pennsylvania, of Scotch-Irish extraction, and of the Scotch Covenanter’s faith.  He was educated for the legal profession, and in December, 1858, was appointed United States Attorney for the Territory of Utah by President James Buchanan.  During the troubles of 1860 in Utah, Mr. Wilson resigned his office and returned to Philadelphia, where he resumed his practice and was admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States.  For many years he had been Law Reporter for the Public Ledger, and had also been editor of the Commercial List.  For some months he was the principal editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer.

            He raised four companies for service in the War of the Rebellion, and declining a high command he entered the service of Lieutenant in 118th Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was engaged in several actions, and in the Battle of Fredericksburg, his bravery was most conspicuous.  His health failing, he was compelled to resign, but during Lee’s invasion of his native State, he entered the field hurriedly, as Captain of a company in the “Merchant’s Regiment,” which was raised in Philadelphia to meet the emergency.  His active, useful career was cut short by his death, which occurred September 26, 1864, while he was in the very prime of life.  After the loss of her husband, Mrs. Wilson made Philadelphia her home, until 1869, when, on account of failing health, she came to California. Although she visited and resided in different parts of the State, she did not regain her health until she came to Santa Clara Valley. She is now strong and robust, and naturally is very enthusiastic in praise of this glorious climate and its bountiful soil.
Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p. 423
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler