

Coming to San Jose a half century ago, Mrs. Delia Volkers has been an interested witness of the growth and development of this section of the state and her reminiscences of the early days are most interesting and instructive. A native of the East, she was born in Rensselaer County, N. Y., her parents being James and Mary (McGann) Linehan, who were born in County Clare. Ireland. They came separately to the United States and were married in New York State in about 1848 and were engaged in farming in Rensselaer County. N. Y. In 1870 they came to San Jose, where they established their permanent residence, the father passing away in his eighty-fourth year. while the mother's demise occurred when she was seventy-six years of age. They reared a family of nine children, of whom the subject of this review was the second in order of birth.
(see bio of brother-Peter Linehan)

Mrs. Volkers attended the public schools of New York until ten years of age. As a child she recalls the Civil War, with its harrowing experiences, and also the death of Lincoln. She came with her parents to California in 1870 the journey being made by way of the Isthmus of Panama. She continued her studies in San Jose, becoming a pupil at the old Thirteenth Street School and then at Notre Dame College, and continuing at home until April 12, 1883, when she was married at the Santa Clara Mission to August Henry Volkers, a native of Menburg, Germany, and a son of William V. and Sophie Volkers, the former a butcher by trade.

When a youth of fourteen years he came to the United States, crossing the continent to California on an emigrant railroad train. Previous to his marriage Mr. Volkers worked on various farms and afterward he removed with his bride to Edenvale, where he was connected with the raising of grain and stock. About 1887 they took up their residence at 448 North Tenth Street, in San Jose, where they continued to make their home for twenty-seven years. Mr. Volkers was made collector for the Commercial Bank and remained in the employ of Mr. McLaughlin for several years. After this Mr. Volkers became manager of the Auzerais estate, of which he had charge for twenty-five years. When he resigned they presented him with a silver service as a testimonial of his years of faithful service. He was next made superintendent of the First National Bank Building and was occupying that position at the time of his death, which occurred on September 6, 1916, when he was fifty-two years of age.

To Mr. and Mrs. Volkers were born eight children. Fred, a gas and steam fitter by trade, resides at Vallejo, Cal.; he married Miss Eva McIntyre, of Castroville, this state. Alice, who resides at home, is bookkeeper for the Normandin-Campen Company; Mary, also at home, is bookkeeper for the Mission Motor Company; Leo, who is a rancher at Marysville, married Anna Sullivan of San Jose, and they have two children, Thelma and John Raymond; Aileen is the wife of A. J. Crabb, an automo bile merchant of Milpitas, Cal., and they have become the parents of three children, Madeline, Helena and Raymond Alexander; William Keith, who is connected with the Standard Oil Company at San Jose, married Violet Martella. On May 1, 1918. he entered the U. S. service and was first sent to the Santa Clara training school, under command of Colonel Donovan, going from there to Camp Fremont, where he remained for six weeks, and on to Camp Taylor, Ky. He was commissioned a second lieutenant and was stationed at Camp Jackson, S. C., being attached to the field artillery. There he received his discharge about December 15, 1919, reaching San Jose just before Christmas of that year. Raymond and George died in infancy.

Mr. Volkers was a stanch Republican in his political views and Mrs. Volkers is also an adherent of that party. Fraternally he was identified with the Woodmen of the World at San Jose and he was also affiliated with the United Workmen of America during the existence of that order. He was a great lover of flowers and trees, with which he beautified his home, in which he took great pride. Mr. and Mrs. Volkers were members of the Second Ward Improvement Club that built the pergolas at the Grant School and planted trees on Empire Street from Fourth to Seventeenth streets. a great improvement for this section. Mr. Volkers found his greatest happiness at his own fireside and was a devoted husband and father, and he left behind him a . memory that is cherished by all with whom he was associated.

For the past five years Mrs. Volkers has resided at No. 129 North Thirteenth Street.where she has an attractive little home. Like her late husband she is very fond of flowers and trees and takes great pleasure in seeing things grow and it is her delight to care for her flowers and shrubbery.

Transcribed from  Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1407 cdf


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight