An enterprising and progressive citizen who is much interested in the development of the Santa Cruz Mountain region and proprietor of "Edgemont" on the Summit is Charles Dufour, a native of Switzerland, born in Geneva, March 12, 1877. His father, John Dufour, was a restaurateur, and as a steward he traveled all over the world, finally settling down at his old home in Geneva. He had married Annie Brun, a native of that place, and they spent the remainder of their lives in Switzerland. Charles, their only child, after completing the local school entered Maria Hilf College, a Jesuit institution, where he was graduated, after which he was apprenticed and learned the trade of a jeweler and designer, and then entered L'Ecole des Beaux Arts in Geneva, where he was graduated with four first prizes. He then went to Paris, France, as a designer of jewelry until he came to Philadelphia, Pa., in 1902, entering the employ of Rosenthal, a manufacturer, for six months; he then spent two years with Sheer, a manufacturer in New York City. Coming to San Francisco in 1905 he was a diamond setter for Shreve for a year, when he was taken ill and when convalescent with his wife he made a six months' trip to Switzerland.

On his return to California Mr. Dufour purchased a ranch at Felton, where he engaged as a viticulturist and also had a summer resort for four and a half years when he disposed of his property and removed to Healdsburg, Cal., purchasing a ranch on the Russian River at the foot of Fish Mountain, which he named Chanticleer Ranch, a summer resort, and six months later sold it at a profit and came to Santa Clara County and purchased his present ranch, which he has improved for a year-around resort. "Edgemont" is a ranch of twelve acres, located on the State Highway at the Summit, five acres being
devoted to orchards. And here he has built a large hotel and several cottages, and has an abundance of spring water for domestic use. "Edgemont" is set in the midst of beautiful redwood, oak and madrone trees. He secured the location of the post office at his hotel named Patchin, and he has been the postmaster for eleven years. In all his successes he has been very ably assisted by his estimable wife, whom he married in Geneva, Switzerland, May 29, 1901. She was in maidenhood Hortense Serravalla, born in Geneva, a daughter of Antonio and Madeline (Marcenavo) Serravalla, natives of Genoa, Italy. Her father was a dealer in musical instruments and music boxes in Geneva, Switzerland, where Hortense was reared and educated. She is the mother of two children, Ernest and George. Mr. Dufour is a member of the Italian Lodge of Foresters in Oakland. He was made a citizen of the United States in Santa Clara County and gives his political allegiance to the Republican party.

Transcribed cferoben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1290