Bio-Pen Pictures

        Among the older residents of the Berryessa District is the subject of  this sketch, a brief history of whom is as follows: Mr. Lundy was born in Grayson, Virginia, September 14, 1829. His parents, Azariah and Elizabeth (Holder) Lundy, were natives of Virginia. His father was a blacksmith, and while Mr. Lundy was a mere lad moved to Surry County, North Carolina, where he established himself as a farmer. To this calling the subject of this sketch was reared until able to work in his father's blacksmith shop. He then learned the trade of blacksmith. He worked with his father until twenty-two years of age, and then, in 1851, located in Buchanan County, Missouri. There he worked at farming and at his trade until 1853. In the spring of the latter year he started with an emigrant train, overland, for California. Arriving in Sacramento in August of the same year, he came immediately to Santa Clara County, and took up his residence in San Jose, and commenced work at his trade.

        In 1855 Mr. Lundy married Miss Emily C. Ogan, daughter of Alexander and Sarah Ogan, residents of Santa Clara County, and in the same year moved to a tract near Berryessa, belonging to his father-in-law. For two years he was engaged there in farming and working at his trade. In 1857 he built a shop (now owned by Philip Anderson) in Berryessa, and established himself as a blacksmith. In 1860, when secession talk and feeling were strong and party feeling bitter, Mr. Lundy, although of Southern birth, took a decided stand for the Union; and that all might know his sentiments he erected a liberty pole in front of his shop, and for months the " old flag " flying thereon was a witness to his loyalty. The flag was made by his wife from flannel he purchased for the purpose, but it was loved and respected as though of the finest bunting or silk. In 1861 he sold out his shop and moved to the corner of the Berryessa road and Lundy's Lane, where he has since resided. Mr. Lundy owns twelve acres at this point, which is devoted to hay and stock purposes. He is also the owner of 240 acres of hill land located in the Mount Hamilton School District. This land is used exclusively for stock-raising. Among the latter he has some fine horses of the " Belmont," " Patchen," and " Rattler" breeds. He also devotes considerable attention to cattle-raising, among which are some excellent Durham stock.

        Mr. Lundy is a Democrat in politics, but is very liberal and conservative in his views, and his political actions are guided more by men and their principles than by party feeling. During his long residence in the Berryessa District he has always taken an interest in its prosperity, and is a firm believer in the future wealth that is in store for his section of the county.
        Mrs. Lundy died in 1876. From the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Lundy there are five children living, viz.: Isaac F., Martha A., Ida B., Louisa, and Charles H.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 583


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight