Dr. J. H. Josselyn

Bio-Pen Pictures


Dr. J. H. Josselyn, of Burnett Township, is a native of Massachusetts, born in the city of Boston, and is a son of Marquis F. and Eunic (Sawtelle) Josselyn.  Both parents sprang from old New England families.  The founder of the Josselyn family in this country settled at Hanover, Massachusetts, and to him was afterward granted by the king of England the territory now embraced in the State of Maine.  The grandfather of the subject of this sketch was an iron founder, while his father was a large contractor.  Dr. Josselyn was reared and educated in Boston, and there read medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. John Stevens.  He attended the University of Pennsylvania, and graduated in the medical department of that institution in 1844.  From that time until 1853 he practiced his profession in Boston, and in the latter year came to California, by the Nicaragua route.  Locating at San Francisco, he at once resumed his practice, and remained there until he came to this county, with the exception of a time spent in South America, where, however, he kept up his professional labors, though the trip was undertaken on account of his health.  In August, 1887, he removed to his present mountain home in Santa Clara County.

     In April, 1874, the Doctor married Mamie E. Lockwood, a native of Cazenovia.  Dr. and Mrs. Josselyn are the parents of four children, namely: Lockwood H., Maude O., Marquis De Lafayette, and Edna.

     The Doctor is a member of the Sotoyome Tribe of Red Men, San Francisco, which he has represented for years in the Grand Council, of which he has also been an officer.  He yet retains his membership and good standing in the Virtue and Union Lodge, A. F. & A. M.., at Lima, Peru, with which he became associated while in South America.  He is a Grand Ancient Odd Fellow, and a Knight of Pythias, and a member of the Order of Chosen Friends of the Pacific.  He was one of the most active members and officers of the Janissaries of Light.  In the days of the old Whig party he was on of its ardent supporters, and has been a Republican since the organization of the party.  The Doctor is a progressive man, and has kept pace with the great progress made by his profession, and, after a large practice in San Francisco, attended and graduated at the College of the California Medical Association.

     The mountain home of the family in the canon of the Coyote is a place of great natural beauty, and is widely known as “Glen Wildwood.”  It is triangular in shape.  Three streams, the Packwood, Coyote, and Las Animas, water the place, which, except for the canon, is entirely shut in by hills.  There is an arroyo through the place, and along this is situated the buildings.  There are three cottages, of three, four, and eight rooms respectively, and a large building which is as yet utilized for the family residence, but which will eventually form one of the wings of the hotel which is in contemplation, to be in the form of a Greek cross.  A public house was built in 1888 by the roadside.  The water of the Packwood, clear as crystal, and always cold, has been introduced into the place by means of a tunnel through the hills, 500 feet in length, and a system of water works has been constructed, the entire outlay for the improvement having been some $5000.  The mineral springs are a great attraction, and very valuable; they are both sulphur and soda, and have been analyzed with the result that the waters have been demonstrated to be of great medical value. 

About 1,500 grape-vines have been set out, mostly Reislings, with a few Isabels and Muscats.  Three hundred walnut trees will be planted in 1889, besides mammoth chestnuts from Japan, and fruit-trees in varieties.  About 1,300 olive-trees have been planted, and many figs. Trout and other valuable fish, are here to be found in abundance, while a bathing-pool, fine in all respects, is no inconsiderable attraction.  All in all, the place is one of the naturally favored spots of the county, and the combination of money and taste now at work will make of it one of the best known resorts in this portion of California.  Four beautiful view of the place are shown in the illustration of “Glen Wildwood,” which appears in this connection.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Transcribed by: Letisha Oddo
Pg. 401