The Pioneer, published San Jose, California, Saturday, February 7, 1882
contributed by jchavnar

Surnames: Delmas, Hoge


The subject of this brief narrative, whose portrait appears in the group, was born in France, April 14, 1844, and ten years later joined his father, who had emigrated to California in 1849, and was then located in San Jose, Santa Clara county. Mr. Delmas' Alma Mater is the famous Santa Clara College, where he matriculated in 1858, and received the degrees of Artium Baccalaureus in 1862, and Artium Magister in 1863, carrying off the highest honors of his class. In July of this year Mr. Delmas commenced the study of law in the office of S.W. Holladay, in San Francisco, and a few months later proceeded to Yale University, whence he graduated in the Law Department in 1865. In September of that year he was admitted to the Supreme Court of California in February, 1866, entering into partnership in the Spring with Mayor B.D. Murphy.

In 1867 Mr. Delmas was elected District Attorney of Santa Clara county, and discharged the duties of that office for two years. In 1872 he took a year's rest, at his home in San Jose, from his hitherto incessant labors, and in 1873 became a partner in the law firm of Moore & Laine, where he remained till the month of January 1876, when he opened legal chambers of his own, and has since practiced his profession without associates. In 1879 he made a trip to Europe for recreation, returning in April, 1880. His offices are in Paul Block, rooms Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, a magnificent pile of building situated on First street, San Jose, which he owns himself, and which he has named after his son Paul. These offices contain his library, of over three thousand volumes, the largest and most complete private law library in the State.

 To draw a comparison is at all times an invidious task, but to say that Mr. Delmas is one of the most distinguished lawyers of the day is but to assert what is acknowledged on every hand. Proof, if proof were necessary to confirm the assertion, is to be found in the number of intricate cases in which he has been retained, not only in the city of his residence but in the courts abroad. Combining with a clear intellect the rare gift of eloquence, Mr. Delmas has placed himself at the head of his profession. In the many difficult cases in which he has appeared, he has brought a large knowledge of law to aid him in the unraveling of knotty points, while, privately, we may add that he is an impartial friend, warm of heart and kindly in disposition, every courteous to all, friend and foe alike, while he is an undoubted ornament to the Bar of California. He married, April 7, 1869, Pauline, daughter of J.P. Hoge, a native Galena, Illinois, and has four children: Delphine, Paul, Antoinette and Josephine.

(Note: There was no picture or sketch accompanying this article, therefore, am unclear regarding the reference in the first sentence regarding portrait.)