Bio-Pen Pictures

        Special mention should be made of the rich and productive farm of the above-named owner. This tract of land, 175 acres in extent, is situated on the south side of the San Jose and Berryessa School Districts, about three miles northeast of San Jose. Upon the twenty acres devoted to orchard culture he has the following trees: 600 pear, 500 apricot, 300 cherry, 200 apple, 400 Silver prune, and 500 French prune. The remainder of his land is used for the production of grain and hay, and for raising stock. Of the latter he has some fine specimens of full-blooded Durham, Holstein, and Jersey cattle. Upon this place are to be found some of the finest surface wells in this section, furnishing all the water required for stock and other purposes.

        The subject of this sketch was born in North Carolina, February 20, 1822. His parents were Stephen and Mary (Bond) Hobson, both natives of that State. His father was engaged in various enterprises, among which were extensive works for the smelting of iron, and a flour mill. A portion of his time was also given to agriculture, and to this industry the subject of our sketch was reared. Mr. Hobson received but little education in his youth, but remedied this defect when he became his own master. In his young man­hood he was engaged in his father's smelting works as a " hammer " man, and. also held other positions in the iron manufactory.

The great emigration to this coast decided him to seek his fortune in the "Golden State," and accordingly, in 1850, he started across the plains. The train to which he was attached made but slow progress. The emigration was so large during this year that it was impossible to keep on the trail. Everything like vegetation was swept clean for miles each side of the trail, and, in order to supply the stock with feed, it was necessary to make miles of deviation. The ferry on the North Fork of the Platte River was worked to its full extent for weeks. Six hundred wagons a day were ferried at this point for six weeks !

        Mr. Hobson reached Sacramento, after a long and tedious trip, on the fourth of October, 1850, and soon after entered the mines in Tuolumne County. He followed mining with varying success, until 1853, when he came to Santa Clara County. Several months were spent in working in the Redwoods, and at farming. He then purchased the lands before described, and began their cultivation. Having tired of farming, he returned, in 1855, to the mines, and there remained four years. In 1859 he went back to his farm, and spent the next year in its improvement, setting out trees, etc. During the following year he spent some months in the mines. However, this was his last experience in mining, for since that time he has devoted himself, with great success, to agricultural pursuits.

        Mr. Hobson is well known and much esteemed in the community in which he resides. He is a consistent member of the Society of Friends, and his daily life is a noble exemplification of the tenets of their belief. He is a strong temperance advocate, and is a member of Eden Division, No. 5, Sons of Temperance. Politically he has heretofore been a Republican, but now advocates the principles of the Prohibition party. He is a strong supporter of all public measures tending to advance the welfare and elevate the morals of his section and county.

        In 1866 he married Miss Mary E. Langensee, the daughter of Charles Ludwick and Christiana B. Langensee, natives of Germany but residents of Santa Clara County. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson have ten children living. Their names are : Annie C., Philip, David W., Alfred, Elvira E., Mary E., Charles S., Jesse V., Franklin B., and Ruth Isabelle.

 Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 486

SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight