Bio- Pen Pictures

whose home is located on the Almaden road, in the Pioneer District, in  Almaden Township, has been identified with the interests of the county since 1853. He was born in 1828, in Warren County, New Jersey, in which State he was reared and educated. Leaving the old home shortly before reaching manhood, he went to New York city and there engaged in work as a clerk in a grocery establishment. He was later employed in the same way, in Newark, New Jersey, leaving there to come to California via the Isthmus route. Some time was spent in placer mining in Placer and El Dorado Counties, then a few months were spent in San Jose, after which, in 1853, he entered the Almaden quicksilver mines. He remained in that employment for several years, but finally concluded to become a farmer, and purchased and opened the fine farm which he now owns and occupies. The property comprises 170 acres, and is profitably devoted to general farming. The residence is nine miles distant from San Jose.

        While at the Almaden mines, Mr. Skinner married Miss Harriet Booth, who was born in England in 1855. Her married life was of but four years' duration, her death occurring May 24, 1860, in her twenty-fifth year. She was the mother of two children, William and Ada, both of whom now reside in British Columbia. In 1865, Mr. Skinner wedded Miss Annie Dugan, a native of New York. She departed this life March 14, 1873, at the age of thirty-two years. From this marriage five children were born, and all are now living. Their names are: David E., Herman, Cornelius, Thomas, and Francis. Mr. Skinner's present wife was formerly Miss Anna Smith, the daughter of Isaiah and Mary Smith. She was born in Newark, New Jersey, in 1839. She was reared and educated in the State of her birth, and in 1868 married David Alyea, who died at Newark in 1873. Her only child by that marriage, Edward, now lives in New Jersey. While visiting the home of his youth, Mr. Skinner met, and, November 14, 1874, married, Mrs. Alyea. They have one child, Waldo W.

        Politically Mr. Skinner is identified with the Republican party. By the industry and frugality which are characteristic of him, he has earned a good home, although he came to the State a poor man. The integrity of character and conduct which he has shown has secured him the position of a respected and useful citizen.

 Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 431-432


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight