Central Milling Company

 Bio-Pen Pictures

        It is an easier matter to write the biography of a successful California pioneer than that of any other. The adventurous and often perilous early days, the successful combating of difficulties, and the prosperity of the present, afford ample material for the historian; and hence it is that the name of D. B. Moody is taken up with pleasure.

        Born in Michigan City, Indiana, in 1837, his parents, Ransom G. and Elmira (Bacon) Moody, removed, in 1840, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There he remained until March, 1849, attending school and occupied with the employments of boyhood. In the spring of 1849 the family crossed the plains to California by the southern route and the Tejon Pass, their wagons being among the. first to come by that route, reaching this State about Christmas-time, 1849. They moved along slowly, finally reaching San Jose in May, 1850, where Mr. Moody attended school until nineteen years of age. When twenty-one he embarked in the milling business with his brothers, Charles and V. D. Moody, and has continued in that trade ever since.

        Mr. Moody is the Secretary of the Central Milling Company, which possesses eleven mills in all, distributed in Placer, Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Luis Obispo Counties, San Jose being the central office and managed by Mr. Moody. They are all roller mills of the most improved kinds, and are turning out a high grade of flour that entirely controls the local market, reaching out to other sections as far as Los Angeles and San Diego. It is universally conceded that the wheat grown in this valley is the equal of any raised in the State, and the flour made here has a high reputation. The capacity of the mill here is 160 barrels per day, and of all the mills of the company, 2,000 barrels.

        The mill here was established in 1858, by the three brothers. V. D., however, dropped out in 1867, becoming a banker and manufacturer, and Charles left the business in 1882. In 1886 the Central Milling Company was organized, embracing the mills in the counties mentioned, since when a noticeable rise in the grade and quality of the flour made has been seen, and greater satisfaction given consumers.

        Mr. Moody is a public-spirited citizen, who has commanded the fullest confidence of the community, being often called upon to give to the public a portion of the time and talents that have resulted in prosperity to himself. In 1862 he was elected City Treasurer, holding the office two years. In 1867, at a moment of great public agitation, he was called upon to act as County Treasurer by the Board of Supervisors. The incumbent of the office had absconded with $23,000 of the county funds. Great excitement was the result, but Mr. Moody took hold of matters and carried them safely through the critical time, finding no difficulty in giving at once bonds of the heaviest nature. From 1867 to 1871 Mr. Moody was Chairman of the Republican County Committee, and in September 27, 1886, he was a prime mover in the organization of the Board of Trade, which has done a vast deal of good for this valley in advertising its advantages and resources, and in disseminating accurate and reliable information, aiding more than anything else the great advance of to-day. Mr. Moody was elected President at the first and still holds that important office. In addition to his business interests, he has a large extent of real estate. He possesses a third interest in the Moody District oil wells, one mile above Alma, in the Santa Cruz Mountains. The oil product is leased by the Pacific Coast Oil Company, is piped to Alma, and shipped thence to the works at Alameda. It is considered the finest quality of oil found on this coast, and equal to the Pennsylvania oil.

        Mr. Moody was married, in 1861, to Miss Jennie B. Wright, a native of New York State. They have two children, Nettie, a graduate of the University of the Pacific, and Anna, both residing with their parents.

        Mr. Moody is a consistent Republican, believing in the protection of American industries. He is also a diligent amateur musician, devoting his leisure moments to this as a recreation. He has composed the music of several songs which have met with popular recognition, and is now the tenor of St. Joseph's Choir, San Jose.   It should be stated, also, that Mr. Moody is now a member of the Board of Freeholders, elected for the purpose of framing a new charter for the city, and is one of the Committee of Revision, which meets daily to digest thoroughly the provisions of that instrument, a responsible office requiring the highest qualities, but unaccompanied by emolument.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 503-504



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight