Los Gatos

BIO-Pen Pictures

son of Alvin B. and Sallie D. (Rumsey) Austin, was born in Tioga County, Pennsylvania, February 12, 1834. His father was of Scotch and German Descent, and his mother of Scotch and French, and both were reared near Lake Champlain. His father was born in 1800, and was a drummer boy in the War of 1812. He died on the home place, in 1882, and his wife, born 1801, died in 1884. He was a lumberman, and at one time owned large timber tracts in Tioga County. They reared a family of seven children, six sons and one daughter, of whom all are living except the fifth son. Daniel B. Austin remained on the home place until he was eighteen years of age, and in 1853 came to California, by Nicaragua route, from New York, through Central America, and arrived at San Francisco April 12, 1853.

His first employment was on the steam ferryboat Clinton, plying between San Francisco and San Antonio (now East Oakland), where he remained nine months, at a salary of $16 per day. He then engaged in the butchering business in San Francisco, and subsequently became a farmer at San Pablo, Contra Costa County, in partnership with Dr. J. M. Tewksbury, who owned a large tract of land there. He farmed until 1863, when he went to Austin, Nevada, where his brother, A. B. Austin, resided, and after whom the town was named. Mr. Austin at once engaged in engineering and mining, and followed this business, principally, for nineteen years. He put up a number of quartz mills for reducing ores, etc.

He returned to California in 1882, and, after looking around over the State, selected Santa Clara for a home and purchased sixty acres, situated about a mile and a quarter from Los Gatos, on the Los Gatos and Saratoga road. In May, 1888, he sold all his land, except two and a quarter acres, where his residence is situated. He was married at Austin, Nevada, in 1867, to Felicitas Falez, a Mexican lady by birth, whose father was a prospector and miner in the State of Nevada. She died in 1869, leaving one daughter, Delphena C, born December 24, 1869. Mr. Austin again married, November 8, 1871, taking this time Sarah C. Rumsey, a native of Pennsylvania. They have six children: George B., born March 5, 1873; Birdie E., May 31, 1874; Floyd L., October 27, 1875; Luther R., January 5, 1877;
Ruby S., February 27, 1879; Jesse S., May 27, 1882.

Mr. Austin is one of the original stockholders of the Los Gatos and Saratoga Wine and Fruit Company, and one of the directors of the corporation. He has also an interest in some silver mines in Nye County, Nevada. He was mainly
instrumental in having the Austin School District, in which he resides, established, and the district was named after him. He was a member of the celebrated First California Guard, under Captain Bluxon. Each member of this company was six feet high. Their armory was located on Pine Street, San Francisco, and they encamped three months each year on the Alameda, in San Jose.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 306-397
transcribed by Roena Wilson