Bio-Pen Pictures

            Charles W. Cutler is the owner of an orchard home on Washington Avenue, in the Willows.  Born in Ashtabula County, Ohio, January 23, 1838, he is the representative of an old New England family of English origin that established their home in Connecticut in Colonial days.  His grandfather, Ebenezer Cutler, was one of the pioneers of the Connecticut Western Reserve, having emigrated to that section of Ohio in 1802, when Elijah T. Cutler, the father of the subject of this sketch, was seven years of age.  The family was one of sterling worth and integrity.  Ebenezer Cutler was a manufacturer of wagons and vehicles of all kinds needed in pioneer days.  His son, Elijah T., on reaching manhood, became interested in farming operations and in grist-mill and lumbering enterprises.  He married Olive Walworth, who was born in Canaan, New Hampshire.  To them were born three children:  Elijab B., who is now attorney in San Francisco; Charles W., the subject of this sketch; and Olive W., the wife of Rev. S. D. Peet, of Illinois.  The parents both died in Ashtabula County.

            Charles W. Cutler was reared in Ohio, and educated primarily in the county schools, but was subsequently a student in Oberlin College, and still later at Powers’ Institute, Bernardston, Massachusetts.  But by no means did he consider his education completed by attendance upon schools.  He is and ever has been a close student.  Twelve years he devoted to teaching—first in Ohio, then in Vermont, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin, having migrated to the last-named State in 1861. 

            Devotedly loyal to the administration of Abraham Lincoln and to the Union, Mr. Cutler resigned his position as the Principal of the High School at Elkhorn, Wisconsin, to serve in the Fortieth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, a regiment so largely recruited from the ranks of the students and teachers as to be called “The Students’ Regiment.”

            On returning, Mr. Cutler resumed his charge at Elkhorn, and later on filled a like position in the schools at Burlington and Green Bay, in that State.  He afterward returned to Elkhorn, and again took charge of the High School.  In 1869 failing health prompted him to decline a further engagement at that place, and to seek a change of climate and occupation, which resulted in a two years’ sojourn in Western Iowa.  There he was instrumental in the establishment of a new post-office, and was made Post-master of the same.

            In 1871 Mr. Cutler came to this State, and for fourteen years filled the responsible position of cashier and book-keeper for a commercial house in San Francisco.  Since 1885 his residence has been at the Willows.  Supplementary to his small orchard interests, he is conducting a general book, piano, and school-furniture trade, having his office and headquarters at San Jose.  He is a member of John A. Dix Post, No. 42, G. A. R., of San Jose, and of Fidelity Lodge, No. 222, I. O. O. F., of San Francisco, being a Past Grand in the latter organization.

            On the fifteenth of August, 1867, Mr. Cutler was united in marriage with Miss Helen L. Morse, the daughter of Samuel Morse, of Racine, Wisconsin.  Mrs. Cutler is also a native of Ashtabula County, Ohio.  Mabel C., their only daughter, was born in March, 1872.

            Well pleased with life in this beautiful, sunny land, Mr. and Mrs. Cutler contemplate with satisfaction its enjoyment here under their own vine and fig-tree for the rest of their days, unless the fates otherwise decree.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 410
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight