

A rising young man who is taking his place among the representatvie citizens of San Jose is Cedric Rae Richmond, one of the stockholders and a plant superintendent of the Richmond-Chase Company. A native of San Jose, he was born on December 11, 1888, the son of George and Rosalie (McPhail) Richmond, who came to California in 1865, and settled in the Sacramento Valley, where Mr. Richmond engaged in farming. Later he came to San Jose, where he became interested in the fruit packing industry, taking charge of the dry fruit department of the J. K. Armsby Fruit Company and holding this responsible position until he retired. Mr. Richmond passed away in December, 1918, while the mother is still a resident of San Jose.

Cedric Rae Richmond attended the grammar school and also the high school at San Jose, and upon completing his training, he started out to make his own way. Engaging in the same work in which his father had been so successful, he first took a position with the J. K. Armsby Company and was with them for a period of fifteen years, learning all the different branches of the packing business. He then became identified with the Richmond-Chase Company of San Jose, but when the United States became involved in the world conflict, he showed his patriotism by leaving his business and enlisting on August 5, 1917, in the U. S. Army. Detailed to the field artillery, he trained at Camp Kearney, Cal., and later at Fort Sill, Okla.

 He sailed with the U. S. troops in July, 1918, from Hoboken, N. J., to Liverpool, thence to Southampton and across to Havre, serving with several different outfits in the field artillery. After attending the officers' training. camp, he was commissioned second lieutenant, •and in France his capability was given recognition by his promotion to the rank of captain in the field artillery. After six months' overseas service, he returned from Bordeaux, France, and on January 29, 1919, he received his honorable discharge from the service at the Presidio at San Francisco. On his return to San Jose, he became a member of the Richmond-Chase Company.

On December 21, 1920, Mr. Richmond was married in San Jose to Miss Josephine Dunne, also a native of San Jose and a daughter of Peter J. Dunne. Mrs. Richmond is a graduate of the University of California. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond are popular in the social circles of San Jose and take an interested part in all of its affairs. Mr. Richmond is a member of the Olympic Club of San Francisco, the Sainte Claire Club of San Jose and of the San Jose Country Club. He shows a public-spirited interest in the civic life of the community and politically, is independent in his views.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1217


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight