Daily engaged in the arduous work incident to the Maintenance department of Stanford University, Carlton Carlyle Crippen is of an acquiring and inquiring mind, who can write very authoritatively on the trotting horse, his breeding and development, particularly as related to the period when the great Palo Alto Stock Farm was at the zenith of its glory.  It has been said that a man's real character manifests itself in his diversions.  Visiting the Palo Alto Stock Farm was Governor Leland Stanford's diversion.  It was easily the greatest establishment of its kind in the world, and here the great builder of the Central Pacific and the University which bears his name, came for recreation.  After years of faithful service in helping the Governor bring out his galaxy of record-breaking pacers and trotters, coming in contact with him under all conditions, Mr. Crippen has no hesitancy in saying that Governor Stanford was one of the finest men that ever lived.
As a young man of good attainments, who had grown up on as Ashtabula County, Ohio, farm.  Mr. Crippen, while yet a young man, became a fancier of fast horses.  When the colts from Mr. Stanford's celebrated stallion "Electioreer" first startled the world with their record-breaking performances.  Mr. Crippen was curious to know whether their phenomenal records were due to there breeding or to special training, and so in 1889 he came out to California, secured employment on the great Palo Alto Stock Farm and there he went to work as a trainer under the noted horseman Charles Marvin, then superintendent of the Palo Alto Stock Farm, continuing  in Governor Stanford's employ for many years.  While the Palo Alto Stock Farm was a place where Governor Stanford came for diversion and relaxation, nevertheless, it became a financial proposition of great magnitude.  From this farm was sold over $500,000 worth of horses within six months.  One horse, "Ario," which was discovered and trained by Mr. Crippens, brought $125, 000 being the highest price ever paid for any racer up to that time, while a shipment of 100 horses brought on an average $1,500 each in the New York Madison Square Garden sale, January, 1892.  It is safe to say that the Palo Alto Stock Farm became the most noted establishment of its kind in the world, and there Governor Stanford produced more record breakers and world's champions than any other dozen men in the world..
Without doubt Governor Stanford's four greatest horses were: Electioneer, champion sire of world's champion trotters, the greatest sire of early extreme trotting speed that ever lived, begetting kings and queen of the trotting world from all classes of mares: Palo Alto, 2:083/4, world's champion trotting stallion in 1891 and one of the fastest rotting race horses that ever lived, having met defeat but twice during his entire racing career; Sunol, 2:08 1/4, the wonderful daughter of Electioneer who held the world's 2 years-old record in 1888 of 2:18, and world's three-years old record in 1889, 2:10 1/2, and the world's four-years old record in 1890, 2:10 1/4, and champion trotter of all ages in 1891, as a five-year old, 2:08 1/4, and sold to the later Robert Bonner for $41,000.  She is the only trotter that ever held the world's record at 2. 3. 4. and record of all ages at five years old; Arion, 2:01 3/4, was discovered, broken to harness and received his first lessons from C. C. Crippen.  Made recird if 21:10 3/4 as a two-year old record for seventeen years, and sold for $125,000 to J. Malcom Forbes of Boston , Mass.  Besides the many colts that Mr. Crippen handled and trained at palo Alto that developed into record-breakers he trained or managed many others that in their day also were champions of the race course, among them Searchlight, 2:03 1/4, world's champion 3, 4 and 5 years old pacer that sold for $15,000; Kinney Lou, 2:07 3/4, a champion trotter for which $25,000 was twice refused; Sonoma Girl, 2:04 1/2, "The Girl from the Golden West.", as she was often called, sold to Lotta Crabtree, the actress, for $26,000 after winning a number of sensational races on the Grand Circuit in 1907; Lecco, 2:09 3/4; Redeem, 2:09 1/4; Bonnie Ansel, 2:09 1/4, and oyoho, 2:07 1/4.  Mr. Crippen's greatest interest was in the scientific breeding and training of fast horses, but as the interest in horse racing wanted, he found it necessary to take up other lines of work.  He has contriubuted many excellent articles to such well=known sporting paper as the "Breeder and Sportsman," "The California Horseman" and "The Western Horseman."
Mr. Crippen was born at Coolebrook, Ashtabula County, Ohio, June 14, 1866.  His father, Cyrus R. Crippen, was a soldier in the Civil War, who after that struggle married Miss Desire Marsh of Astabula County, Ohio, where they settled down to farming and reared thier two children, Carlton Carlyle of this review and a daughter Dora , now the wife of Dr. Sterling of Kansas City, Mo. Carlton Carlyle grew up on his father's farm, attended the common schools and later draduated from Orwell academy in Ashtabula County.
He was married at Mayfield to Miss Augusta Duke, a daughter of Captain George and Mary Duke, both of English blood pioneers at Mayfield .  Mr. and Mrs. Crippen have a very cozy home at Mayfield and are the proud parents of two children, both well known and highly respected: Roy D., who is advertising manager for the Fidelity Bank of Fresno, and Dorothy May, who graduated from the San Jose Teachers' College, and is now engaged in the schools at Mayfield as a teacher . Mr. Crippen has held his present responsible position for the past five years; he attends very closely to his work, is capable and efficient, and last but not least, is very faithful to his trust.  He is a great admirer of the founder of the University, while his love of the equine species and sportsmanshisp is as keen as ever.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
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