Charles Parker

BIO-Pen Pictures


Among the rich and productive farm properties in the Jefferson School District, that owned by Mr. Parker is worthy of mention. He has fifty-four acres, under a high state of cultivation, fifteen acres of which are producing onion seed; twelve acres are devoted to berry cultivation, producing strawberries of the Longworth and Sharpless varieties. The remainder of this land, except eight acres planted with onions, is devoted to hay, grain, and stock-raising. One fine artesian well, flowing three inches over a seven-inch pipe, furnishes all water needed for irrigation and stock purposes. Mr. Parker's farm is located in the district above named, on Wilcox Lane, one-half mile north of Kifer road, and about three miles northwest of Santa Clara. The subject of this sketch was born in Jackson County, Missouri, March 20, 1845. His father, William Parker, was a native of Kentucky, and his mother, Sarah H. (Wilson) Parker, was a native of Maryland. They were married in Kentucky, and in 1838 moved to Missouri, where his father engaged in farming and stock-raising, to which calling Mr. Parker was reared until he was eighteen years of age, receiving at the same time such an education as the common schools afforded. In 1863 he left home and started West, and for the next four years was engaged as a teamster for the different freighting companies between Kansas City and Santa Fe, New Mexico. In 1867 he returned to Missouri and located in Jackson County, where he rented a farm, and followed the occupation of a farmer until 1871. In this latter year he came to Santa Clara County, and located on the Kifer Road, on the place now owned by W. H. Ireland, and about a mile southeast of his present residence, where he remained until 1877, when he purchased the farm before described.

Mr. Parker is an energetic and progressive citizen, and one who is respected and esteemed by the community in which he resides. He is a liberal and conservative Democrat, and is identified with the best elements of his party. He is a member of Santa Clara Lodge, No. 52, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In January, 1870, he married Miss Elsie T. Mason, daughter of James C. and Mary (Staples) Mason, residents of Jackson County, Missouri. She died February 1, 1871. Mr. Parker's second marriage was to Miss J. J. Hudson, a resident of Santa Clara County, whom he wedded in November, 1876. She is the daughter of William D. and Mary A. (Haun) Hudson. There is one child, Ethel H., born by the second marriage.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page  235  


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight