
An enviable record of duty and service is the story of the life of the late Charles M. Lorigan, who was born in New South Wales, Australia, on January 14, 1861. His father was B. W. Lorigan, a native of Ireland, who went to Australia, was married there, and removed with his family to California in 1862, in which year he settled in Santa Clara. He 'has been a successful diamond miner in Australia, but was cheated out of what should have been abundant riches by fraudulent dealers.

Charles spent his boyhood in Santa Clara and attended the University at that place; and in 1882 he was duly graduated with honors. Five years later he entered the law offices of S. F. Leib; and in 1889, upon successfully passing the examinations of the Supreme Court, he was admitted to practice at the Bar in California. He then formed a partnership with Mr. Leib, and until Mr. Lorigan's death, they maintained the most cordial and helpful relations. He was twenty-five years in active service in probate and office work, enjoyed a large clientele, and not only was very highly esteemed for his knowledge of the law, but had the confidence of all who had come to know him as practitioner.

On November 3, 1903, Mr. Lorigan was united in marriage with Miss Eugenia E. Bohlmann, a daughter of Frank Bohlmann, one of the well-known pioneers of California, and a native of San Jose; and they were blessed with the birth of one child, Lorraine M. Lorigan, now a student at Notre Dame. Mr. Lorigan did not enjoy the most robust constitution, and his inability to partake of the more strenuous life was amply compensated for by the comforts and joys of his beautiful home, made so attractive through his devoted and charming wife and daughter.

 He passed away, to the heart-felt regret of a wide circle, on September 24, 1920, at his residence at 235 South Tenth Street. The funeral took place from St. Patrick's Church, which was filled by mourning friends, members of the Bar Association, leaders in many corporations, churchmen and churchwomen, and people from throughout the state; on which occasion a solemn requiem mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father. Collins, pastor, as celebrant, the Rev. T. J. Murphy, S. J., president of the University of Santa Clara, as deacon, the Rev. J. Collins, S. J., as sub-deacon, and the Rev. William M. Boland, S. J., as master of ceremonies. A large number of the Sisters of the various Catholic orders of the county were present, including many from the O'Connor Sanitarium, in which the deceased was keenly interested; and he was laid to rest in the family plot in Oak Hill Cemetery by six nephews—'Frank Lorigan, Jr., of San Francisco, and Sidney K. Lorigan, Charles K. Lorigan, B. W. Lorigan, E. L. Nicholson, and G. A. Nicholson, all of San Jose. In delivering a splendid eulogy to the life and character of the deceased, the Rev. Father Collins said:
"Mr. Lorigan's public and private life was his own • eulogy. Blessed by God with a good mind and an intrepid spirit, he stood before the public as an example of the perfect Christian gentleman. To him all men were equal, and neither wealth, nor power, nor promise could sway him in a just judgment, nor was anyone so poor and lowly to be beneath his reverence and service. As a Catholic, he was a perfect example of Christianity. He measured all his judgments and actions as if conscious of the ever-present, all-seeing eye of God. He was proud of the dignity of being a true Christian, and his daily life was an example of it."

Nicholas Bowden, on behalf of the Bar Association, also delivered a eulogy before the Superior Court of Santa Clara County on Friday, October 8, 1920, in which he said:
"The life and character of Charles M. Lorigan deserve more than passing notice. For thirty years, and until the beginning of his last fatal illness some months ago, he was a conspicuous and familiar figure in the courts and in this community. Early in his career as a lawyer, he made warm and lasting friendships, and quickly secured the confidence and respect of client and citizen. To these friends, and to this confidence, he was ever and always true and loyal. He was an alumnus of the University of Santa Clara. His Alma Mater endowed him with a liberal and Christian education. It was a rich endowment. It was the foundation of his professional success and a sure and safe guide in all the relations of life. Handicapped by physical affliction, Charles M. Lorigan radiated sunshine and happiness. His affliction walked with him through life. It was with him in his comings and goings. It stood beside him at his hearthstone. He knew that most of the activities and pleasures of youth and manhood were forever denied him, and this fact was graciously accepted without a murmur, never a complaint. Two other of Charles M. Lorigan's distinguishing characteristics were his open-hearted candor and his unimpeachable integrity. No whisper of suspicion was ever breathed against his name. The record of his life is the record of duty and service."

Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
page 1048
This appears to be a brother of Charles---------bio of William Lorigan


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight