.(see more Santa Clara County Hayes Family History)

Bio- Sawyers
Representative of the best type of citizenship.  Jay Orley Hayes is justly accorded a prominent place in the business, municipal and social life of San Jose.  His name is widely known and carries with it an influence which ever wields its power toward the betterment of the community in every way, its moral upliftingm its physical welfacer, the promotion and upbuilding of all enterprises calculated to increase the prosperity of city, county and state.  First a citizen and patriot, Mr. Hayes labors with untiring zeal for the best interest of the country; afterward  a Republican, he gives his strongest support to the advancement of the principles he endoreses.  Through not known as a politician, he was selected by his friends as a candidate for boernor at the time that Governor Pardee, then the incumbent, ran for office.  Although defeated, this action, the result entirely of his standing as aman and citizen, brought Mr. Hayes prominently before the public and has added to his following many influential men of the state, who appreciate his sterling integrity and ability.  Absolutely sincere and honest and imbued with the highest and best motives, he is an ideal citizen, willing to spend his time and money in the betterment of the conditions of town, county and state.  The value of his work thus far in San Jose and civinty has ample testimony in a clean city government, good streets, good schools, good buildings, all of which have felt his strong and  earnest effort.  What has been done locally can be done gernerally for the entire state, should opportunity and the call of duty ever demand that he give up the peace and quiet of his prinncely home for the turmoil and arduous task of a great public office.  Mr. Hayes' personal magnetism is of that lasting  order that comes only from the conviction of meeting a truly honorable man and one who loves his fellow-men.  This feeling is heightened when one is permitted to observe him in his home, which is the best  test, after all--- his devotion to his family, to his church duteis, impress one that he is an example of true life precepts which he has been taught and which he has followed from infancy.
A native of Waterloo, Jefferson County, Wis., Mr. Hayes was born October 2, 1857, a son of Anson E. Hayes, the representative of an old American family of Scotch descent, the first member of which setting in Connecticut in 1683.  For many generations the family flourished in the New England states, various members adding luster to the name through their association with the early colonial history.  In time the family name became a familiar one in the state of the middle west.  Mr. Hayes was reared in Wisconsin, receiving his preliminary education in the common schools of his native city. Upon the completion of the common school  course he entered the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and was graduated in 1880 with the degree of LL B.  He also studied law in the office of Gen. WIlliam F. Vilas and was admitted to the bar one year after his brother, Everis Anson Hayes,  whith whom he has been associated in both a professional and business way.  They began tghe practice of law in Madison and continued in that location for two years, when they removed to Ashland, there forming a partership with Col. John H. Knight.  A large and lucrative practive was established in the four years following, their prestige extending throught Ashland and Bayfield counties.   The partnership was dissolved in 1886, when the Hayes brothers located in Ironwood, Mich., where they had previously acquired extensive interest in iron mines of the  Gogebic iron range.  For one year they gave their sole attention to these interests.  In the spring of 1887 they came to California and in the vicinity of San Jose purchased a fine ranch for their home.  This property they have improved and developd, conducting a fruit enterprise which has added no little to the presige of Santa Clara County in this line.  Mr. Hayws is secretary and treasurer of the Harmony Iron Company.  In 1900 the Hayes brothers became the owners of teh Herald, the leading evening paper of San Jose, and in 1901 purchased the Mercury, the only morning paper in that city; the two papers were later consolildated under the name of the San Jose Mercury-Herald and Mr. Hayes is the president of the Mercury-Herald Company, owners of these newspapers.  Mr. Hayes has spent much time in the iron mines in Michigan during the last few years and almost all the thirty months immediately after the war.  Fortunately their mines producted a high grade of ore that found a ready sale and when other mines were closed down, their mine was oeprated during the entire period without situation.
Mr. Hayes was married June 16, 1885 , to Clara I. Lyon, daugher of ex-Chief Justpice W. P. Lyon, of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin.  They are the parents of five children:  Mildren M. now the wife of A. E Roth, comptroller of Stanford University, Lyetta A., Elystus L, Miriam F., now the wife of Edgar C. Kesler with Robert Dollar Company, San Francisco, and J. Orlo.  Mr. Hayes has taken a prominet part in the organization fo the California Prune & Apricot Growers Association, having been a director since its orgasnization and is a member of its executive committee and has give much time and thought to its upbuilding, realizing that in the success of the asssociation depends the further prosperity of the prune and apricot growers of California.  It is the consensus of opinon of men of affatis that he has had more to do with the growth of the association than ony other person.  He is a man of varied and large interest in California, but is particularly found of Santa Clara County and optimistic for its rapid growth and fuutre greatness.  A very prominent Republican in state and national politics, he was for years, a member of the State Central Committee and its executive committee and for eight yeasr served as vice-chairmn and has been prominent and active in al lthe great movements of the Republican party in the sate.  He was delegate-at-large from California to the national Republican convention at Chicago that nominated Hughes for  president in 1916 and was amember of the notification committee that proceeded to New York and notified Mr. Hughes of his nomination for president by the Republican convention at Chicago.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 324

(see more Santa Clara County Hayes Family History)


California has always done honor to her women of intellect, culture, influence and leadership, and Santa Clara County will not fail to provide a wreath for those who have contributed to enrich its life. Prominent among such women of true nobility must be numbered Mrs. Jay Orley Hayes, a native of Racine, Wis., where she was reared in an environment of education and culture.

 Clara Lyon Hayes is the daughter of William Penn and Adelia (Buncombe) Lyon; the former born in Chatham, N. Y., the latter in St. Thomas, Ontario. Both were of English descent. She has one brother, William Penn Lyon, who is business manager of the San Jose Mercury Herald. Her father, William Penn Lyon, was a truly self-made man, who by his strong personality, ability and hard work rose to the highest place in the judiciary of the state of Wisconsin, to which state he had moved in youth. He occupied many positions of honor and trust in Wisconsin. He was twice elected district attorney of Racine County, was twice elected to the State legislature, both terms serving as speaker of the Assembly; was first captain of Company K of the Eighth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, later for three years was colonel of the Thirteenth Regiment and was mustered out of service as brigadier-general. While at the front he was elected judge of the first Wisconsin circuit, later being appointed Justice of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin to which position he was elected several times, during the later years of his service there occupying the position of Chief Justice of the Court. He voluntarily retired from the bench at seventy years of age but later was appointed to the State Board of Control, a board charged with the government of all the penal, reformatory and charitable institutions maintained by the state, and served for about seven years as president of that board. In all these positions he acquitted himself with distinction and honor; his striking ability, modesty of manner, his fairness to and sympathetic interest in and consideration for others, endeared him to all with whom he came in contact and attracted to him a host of loving, loyal friends. The evening of the lives of both Judge and Mrs. Lyon was spent at Edenvale, Cal., with their loving children and grandchildren.

Clara Lyon, after being prepared for college, entered the University of Wisconsin, where she graduated in 1876 with the degree of bachelor of science. A few years later she went abroad, traveling through the British Isles and on the continent for a year and a half. She was united in marriage in 1885 with Jay Orley Hayes, an attorney-at-law and mining man. The first year they resided in Ashland and then moved to the mines on the Gogebic range where they lived for a little more than a year, when they came to Edenvale, Cal. Here she devoted her life to her family and children and individually saw to their care and comfort as well as to their training and education while they were growing. When she felt her duty to her own was accomplished she threw herself into the work of the Mothers' Clubs and Parent-Teacher Association, and she helped to organize and establish the work in Santa Clara County. For this work she has been called by many the mother of the Mothers' Clubs of Santa Clara County. She was the first president of the San Jose High School Mothers' Club. She was district president of the P. T. A. and has been delegate to national conventions on different occasions. On account of her deep interest in the moral education of children Mrs. Hayes prepared a book list for use of supplementary reading for the schools and members of the P. T. A.

Mrs. Hayes was the representative from Santa Clara County on the Woman's Board of the Panama Pacific Exposition held in San Francisco in 1915. For many years she has been intensely interested in many public and charitable organizations and was a director of the Associated Charities of Santa Clara County for many years. The Travelers' Aid Society has also engrossed her attention, Mrs. Hayes having been appointed to organize the society for Santa Clara County and she has been a director since its organization. She also aided materially in organizing the Association of the Collegiate Alumni for Santa Clara County and was its first president.

Mrs. Hayes in 1919 served in the capacity of foreman of the grand jury in Santa Clara County and is said to have been the first woman foreman of a grand jury in the United States. She is an active member of the True Life Church and a trustee from the date of its organization. Her interest in the work of the True Life Church led her to compile and have published a hymnal for the use of the Church for which she wrote twenty-five hymns, one of which appeared in "Heart Songs," a collection of favorite songs published by the Chappel Company of Boston. She assisted her mother in arranging and editing Judge Lyon's letters written during his service in the Civil War and a volume of the letters with a few of his addresses delivered upon patriotic occasions was presented to each veteran who had served under him during the war or to the families of those who were gone.

Her union with Mr. Hayes has been blessed with five children. Mildred, Mrs. Almon E. Roth, a graduate of Stanford University, resides at Stanford University. Lyetta is cashier of the Mercury Herald Company. Elystus L., a graduate of the College of as well as the Department of Law of Stanford University, served as first lieutenant in the U. S. Army, being sent overseas. He is now practicing law in San Francisco. Miriam, Mrs. Edgar C. Kester, resides in Burlingame. J. 0., Jr., is a senior at Stanford University.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 905


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight