Bio-Pen Pictures

 has a beautiful ranch of twenty acres, on the San Jose and San Francisco road, between Mayfield and Mountain View. When he purchased this land, in 1880, it was devoted to grain and hay farming, but he immediately set about transforming it into a beautiful vineyard, and it is now one of the most attractive places on this road. In 1881 he set out the first grapevines, and in the following year the work of planting was completed. His efforts have met with great success, and he now has a fine vineyard in full bearing, and of choice varieties. In 1885 he erected a winery, and in 1887 he manufactured 9,000 gallons of wine, which found a ready sale, at good prices, in San Francisco.

        Mr. Lebrun, the gentleman who has made this notable improvement, is a native of France, born in Loraine, October 28, 1841, his parents being Louis and Marie Lebrun. His father was in the service of the French Government. Charles Lebrun was reared at his native place, and acquired the art of decorative painting, which he followed there. He afterward traveled through France, following his art in the principal cities of the country, and in 1880 emigrated to America, sailing from Havre to New York. From the latter city he came to California, and afterward bought where he now resides.

        He was married, in 1881, to Miss Sarah Levy, a native of France, born in the city of Paris. They have a home of which they may justly be proud.


Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 622


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight