Bio-Pen Pictures

is one of the pioneers of Santa Clara County, having been a resident of it since 1850. His farm, in the Alviso District, is located on the Alviso and Milpitas road, about one and one-half miles east of Alviso. His fifty-two acres are devoted chiefly to the growing of grain and hay, although a small portion is used for a small family orchard; twelve acres produce strawberries of the Sharpless, Cheney, and the Queen varieties, and two acres raise vegetables. A goodly supply of water is furnished by two artesian wells. A comfortable cottage home, with substantial out-buildings, corresponds with the prosperous condition of the farm.

        Mr. Ingleson was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1823, and is the son of Robert and Mary (Ogier) Ingleson, residents of Maryland, but natives of England. The first years of his manhood were spent in Baltimore, in the work to which he was trained in his youth—that of gardening. The gold excitement of 1849 was not without its effect upon his after life, for he determined to visit this State, and accordingly, in May, 1850, he embarked at New York for California, coming by the Panama route, and arriving at San Francisco on the sixth of August. He visited the mining districts, but failing health necessitated his return to the city, and from there he came to Santa Clara County in October of that year. Here for five years he farmed on shares for Mr. A. H. H. Hatter, on what is now the Ogier homestead. In 1855 he bought a tract of 200 acres on the San Jose and Alviso road, about five and one-half miles north of San Jose, and there engaged in the raising of stock. During the following year he bored an artesian well, it being one of the first in the county.

        Mr. Ingleson was united in marriage, in 1857, with Miss Louisa Bergan, the daughter of Joshua and Mary Bergan, of Baltimore. Five years after his marriage Mr. Ingleson sold his ranch on the Alviso road, and from that time until 1874 cultivated and lived upon rented lands. In the year last mentioned he purchased and took possession of his present home, and has since made its cultivation his business. His long residence in the county has made his associates thoroughly acquainted with him, and he is known as a successful agriculturist, a man of honor in business affairs, and a useful citizen.

        Mr. and Mrs. Ingleson have eight children. Their names are: Mary, the wife of Michael Harper, living in Santa Clara County; Robert and Charles, residents of this county; John, married and residing in San Luis Obispo County; Annie Elizabeth, James, Margaret and Clara, who reside on the old homestead with their parents.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 486-487

SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight