Bio-Pen Pictures

San Jose Township, is a native of Holland, born June 2, 1842, his parents being Charles and Adelaide (Johanns) Hartman. He was reared to the age of thirteen years at home, then went on the high seas as a sailor. He has been over the greater portion of the main routes of commerce on the seas, including Australia, East Indies, the Mediterranean, etc. After giving up a sailor's life he returned home and emigrated with his parents to America, locating about fifty-five miles from St. Louis, where they still reside. He followed the pursuit of farming in Missouri, until 1868, when he went to New York, and from there started for California by the water route. He arrived in San Francisco February 14, and from there came to Santa Clara County, where he has since resided.

        He was married, in St. Louis, in April, 1866, to Miss Margaret Utz, a native of Warren County, Missouri, and daughter of Daniel Utz, who came to Santa Clara County in 1852, and resided here until his death, in 1869. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman have nine children, namely: Kate, Julia, John, George, Theodore, Sophia, Hattie, Christina, and Emma. The eldest was born in St. Louis, the remainder in this county. Mr. Hartman is a veteran of the Civil War, having served all through that struggle. He enlisted at St. Louis, August 14, 1861, in Company G, Twelfth Missouri Infantry, Colonel P. J. Osterhaus. He went with Fremont to Springfield, Missouri, when Curtis took command; first went under fire March 1, 1862, at Pea Ridge, and was engaged there March 6, 7, and 8. The first portion of his service was altogether in Missouri and Arkansas, and he participated in the chase after Price, bringing up at Ironton. After stopping there some time, his command was taken down the Mississippi to Young's Point, opposite Vicksburg, and he worked for a time on the celebrated canal. His regiment was assigned to the tin-clad flotilla, two companies to the gunboat, and took part in the Yazoo expedition. He was at Milliken's Bend, and from there the command was started for Grand Gulf, and participated in all the principal engagements about the beleaguered city, including Chickasaw Bayou, and was also engaged at Arkansas Post. He participated with the command in the capture of Vicksburg, and on the fifth was among those sent to follow J. E. Johnston. They drove him across Pearl River, and then went into camp on Black River for rest. After Rosecrans' defeat at Chickamauga, his command was sent to Memphis, thence to Corinth. They participated in the pursuit of Wheeler, Forrest, and Roddy as far as Tuscumbia, Alabama, and after the junction of the divisions of the Fifteenth Corps, marched to Chattanooga, Mr. Hartman's division arriving on the scene just too late to take part in the first portion of the engagement. He was in Hooker's victory at Lookout Mountain. After spending the winter at Woodville, Alabama, he started, May 1, 1864, on the march to Atlanta, and was with his regiment in all engagements up to Resaca. At Kingston, Georgia, May 22, 1864, he was captured, taken to Andersonville, and in September, at the time of Stoneman's raid, to Charleston, thence to Florence, where he was held until December 12, 1864, when he was exchanged and sent to Camp Parole, Annapolis, Maryland. He was discharged at St. Louis, February 15, 1865. He is a charter member of Phil. Sheridan Post, G. A. R., at San Jose, and of Garden City Lodge, No. 142, I. O. O. F. He has been Trustee of Oak Grove School District. Politically he is a Republican. He has a fine ranch of 140 acres, six miles from San Jose, adjoining Snell Avenue. Usually he cuts about seventy acres for grain, principally barley, which yields about twenty sacks to the acre. Hay averages two or two and a half tons to the acre. He has four acres in a thriving orchard, set out in 1883, and will plant ten or fifteen acres in 1889.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 624-625


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight