Berryessa District

of the Berryessa Districty, owns and resides upon sixty-five acres of rich land, located on the Milpitas and Berryessa road, about five and one-half miles northeast of San Jose, and two miles south of Milpitas.  With the exception of a portion reservd for a small orchard, this farm is devoted to the growing of hay and grain, and the raising of such stock as is needed for carrying on the operations of the farm.  The family residence is a comfortable cottage, and is surrounde by substantial out-buildings, the aspect of the whole propery giving evidence of the position of its owner, - that of a prosperous farmer.  He also owns 120 acres of land a mile west of Mipitas, on the north side of the Alviso and Milpitas road.  Of this property, five acres are devoted to the cultivation of strawberries of  the Sharpless variety, four acres to blackberries and raspberries, eight acres to asparagus,  and twenty acres to vegetables,-onions, tomatoes, poratoes, etc.  The remainder of the land is used for the growing of grain and hay.  The needed water is supplied by three artesain well, one of which has a flow of five inches above a seven-inch pipe.

Mr. Cropley was born in Nova Scotia, February 3, 1847, and is the son of James and Rebecca (Elliott) Cropley, natives and residents of Nova Scotia.  His father was a farmer, and Mr. Cropley was reared to that industry, his education being received in the public schools of his district.  When twenty years of age, he left home and located in Boston, Massachursetts, wehre he spent about a year in working a the carpenter's  trade, and at other callings, leaving in 1868 to come, by the Panama route, to California.  Upon his arrival in San Francisco, he went immediately to Alameda County, and there lived for two years, engaged in farm labor.  He then rented land and conducted farming operations on his own account also buying threshing-machines, and engaging  in thresing grain.  He made his home in Alameda County until  1875, when he removed to Santa Clara County.  Here he engagedin farming, and four years after coming to the county purchased the property whcih we have described.  He is still extensively engaged in raising hay and grain on rented lands,  and employs a large force of men and machines in thresing grain during the season.

Mr. Cropley married, in 1879, Miss Henrietta Abel, the daughter of George H. and Mary Ann (Marks) Abel who were native of England , but resident of Stockton, Califnroa.  Mr and Mrs. Cropley have four children: Henry H., Marshall F., James, and Reece T.

The subject of our sketch is a man of energy and amibition.  He is a practical agriculturist, and carried on, successfully and profitable, not only his large farming operations on the lands which we have noted, but also on property in other parts of the county.  He is connectd with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, being a member of Mission Peak Lodge, No 114, of Alameda County .  He is a strong Republican, and yet liberal in his poitical views.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 451
Transcirbed by Carolyn Feroben