Bio-Pen Pictures


C. H. COREY.  The successful hotel proprietors are few, and the duties of the position require peculiar and unusual talents in their possessors.  Mr. C. H. Corey, the proprietor of the Lick House, situated on the corner of First and San Fernando Streets, has proved himself the successful Boniface, however, as he has raised the house, in the six year he has owned it, from a comparatively small affair to a leading and popular position.  The Lick House was established in 1872.  In 1882 Mr. Corey purchased it, immediately made extensive additions, and introduced such improvements as at once placed it in the rank of first-class institutions.  It was entirely refitted and refurnished, and supplied with every modern convenience, until now there is nothing better outside of the metropolitan cities. The cuisine is presided over by a skilled chef, who has an able body of assistants, and the table is acknowledged to be the choicest, no expense being spared to obtain the freshest and best.  The hotel has 100 rooms, single and en suite, and a further addition is planned that will double the accommodation.  Mr. Cored made a trip to the East in the summer of 1888, where, at Grand Rapids, Michigan, he arranged with Nelson, Mather & Co. , to manufacture the furniture of the most approved styles for this addition.  A fine billiard-room with the best makes of tables, and all the adjuncts of a perfect hotel, are to be found.  The best transient trade of the country comes to Mr. Corey, as is shown by the fact that the Lick House is headquarters for commercial men, and the "boys" always go where the best is found.  Mr. J. Dennis, the manager, has been a hotel manager for twenty years, having at one time been in charge of the Rosin House, Toronto, Canada.

Mr. Corey is a native of Canada, born there in 1844.  He was educated in Canada, and there learned the harness trade, conducting that business in various parts of the county.  He came to California on the first train that crossed the continent, witnessing the driving of the last golden spike that commemorated the completion of the  great road. Mr. Corey is an active sportsman and admirer of good "horse-flesh". He is the owner of C. H. C., which trots a mile in 2:20, and a two-year-old colt that has accomplished  a mile in 2:50, and is entered in the San Jose Colt Stake for 1888.

Mr. Corey is a leading member of the Garden City Gun Club, so that he can invite any of his guests at the hotel to enjoy the hospitality of the club.  They posses a magnificent reserve twelve miles from Jan Jose, on the Southern Pacific Railroad, known as the Twelve Mile House Lagoon, where they have a fifty-year lease of a ranch of 10,000 acres.  They have stocked the lagoon with game and fish, and to attract birds have sown the whole with wild rice, and already it is becoming a resort for game of every kind.

Mr. Corey married Miss Ana Rovers, of Ohio, in 1874.  He is a member of San Jose Lodge, No 125, Knights of Pythias, and a leading and esteemed citizen.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 503- transcribed by Carolyn Feroben