Mountain View


For many years a leading stockman of Modoc County, Cal., C. G. Spargur, has recently purchased a fine ranch home near Mountain View and with his wife are a welcome acquisition to the community. A native of Carson City, Nev.. he was born on February 24, 1872, and when but a year old, his parents brought him to Modoc County, Cal., where he grew up and received his schooling. While in his early manhood he became interested in the cattle business, and by steady application to this line of work, became a large stockman and farmer of Modoc County, his acreage finally aggregating 1460 acres of land and for years he kept from 500 to 600 head of cattle, raising them and marketing them in San Francisco. By hard work and intelligent planning, he prospered well. In 1917 he sold his property in Modoc County and removed to San Francisco, where he resided until he purchased his ranch at Mountain View.

Mrs. Spargur was Miss Dora Gray of Modoc County, and in September of 1920 they settled in Mountain View on their beautiful and highly improved twenty-acre ranch on the El Monte Road. There are ten acres in prune orchard and ten acres devoted to apricots and is located in one of the finest fruit and residence districts of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Spargur enjoy their beautiful country home, and enter heartily into the spirit of the community which is given to horticulture, rather than stockraising which they had engaged in in Modoc County, and find it an agreeable change. Mr. Spargur is a 32nd degree Mason, being a member of the lodge at Alturas, Cal, and of the Consistory at San Jose, and with his wife belongs to the Eastern Star Chapter at Mountain View.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1438


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight