BIO-Pen Pictures

one of the horticulturists of Hamilton District, resides on the Los Gatos road, near the western terminus of Fruit Vale Avenue. His property, of thirty-four acres, was in pasture land when he purchased it, in the spring of 1884. He commenced tree planting the first year of his occupancy, setting the whole place to orchard; but as the work was done late in the season, much had to be replanted. His orchard is noticeable for its thrifty condition, the principal fruits being apricots and French prunes. However, almost every variety, including pears, peaches, plums, apples, cherries, and figs, is found there. His pleasant residence Mr. Bopp erected in 1886.

        Mr. Bopp is a native of Wurtemberg, Germany, where he was born September 1, 1834. When nineteen years of age he left his native land and came to the United States, the land of the free. The first few years he spent in Virginia and Maryland, and in 1859 came as far west as Indiana. While living in this State the war called him to the defense of the land of his adoption, and he went to the front, enlisting July 4, 1861, in Company K, Twenty-second Indiana Volunteers. In August following he was transferred to the Regimental Band. His service was in the Southwestern Department, first under General Fremont, and later under General Curtis. He was honorably discharged from the service in July, 1862.

        In 1864 Mr. Bopp left Indiana, and made the jour­ney across the Isthmus of Panama, settling in Napa County, this State; thence he removed to Gilroy, Santa Clara County. He was engaged in blacksmithing during his residence in California until, in 1869, he bought 240 acres of undeveloped land, in Colusa County, when he became a farmer. In 1874 he added 160 acres to his already large farm, making a fine property of 400 acres, which he devoted to wheat and barley raising. He made this farm his home until 1884, when he returned to Santa Clara County, and bought his present fruit ranch, to the improvement of which he has since devoted his time, with the best of results.

        Mr. Bopp married Mrs. Hattie Hammond, formerly Miss Hattie Schallenberger. By a former marriage, Mrs. Bopp has two children, viz.: Louisa Frances and Ralph Hammond.

        In politics Mr. Bopp is identified with the Republican party, and in religious affairs is connected with the Methodist Church. As a horticulturist, Mr. Bopp's success is evidenced by the good condition of his trees, and the results obtained from his fruit interests.
Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight