BIO- Sawyers
A rising young financier of Santa Clara County, whose influence is being felt more and more in laying broad and deep the foundations of the great California commonwealth, is Charles Ellet, the efficient and popular cashier of The Stanford Bank at Palo Alto and Mayfield. He was born at the historic Ellet homestead at Bunker Hill, Macoupin County, Ill., and reared at Eldorado, Kans., being a son of Edward Carpenter Ellet, the patriot, banker and politician, who built up and owned one of the first banks in Butler County, Kans., in the county seat town of Eldorado, in the early '70s, and later established several other banks in Kansas, and in 1908 came to California, purchasing the controlling interest in the old Mayfield Bank, the predecessor of The Stanford Bank, and whose inspiring life story is elsewhere given in this volume, as is also the history of several of the other distinguished forebears and relatives of our subject, who have conferred undying glory in the service of their country. Edward C. Ellet married Miss Frances Webster Van Dorn, also a native of Bunker Hill, Ill., and it is pleasant to relate that both she and her honored husband are still living, highly esteemed residents of Mayfield. Her family history is no less interesting than that of her husband. The daughter of a California Argonaut, Thomas Jefferson Van Dorn, who crossed the plains in '49, she is a near relative of the famous Confederate cavalry general, Earl Van Dorn, and a direct descendant of the historic Pilgrim father, Governor Bradford, of Massachusetts, likewise a relative of Washington Irving, the celebrated author, as well as the great orator and statesman, Daniel Webster. Charles Ellet was reared at Eldorado, Kans., and there he remained until he was twenty years of age. He pursued the public school courses and then profited by a course at the University of Washington, at Seattle, to which city he removed in 1904. Three years later, in April, he was married to Miss Edna Anna Dodge, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Dodge, of the Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Eldorado, Kans.. and a year thereafter he came south to Mayfield. His father, a banker of over thirty years' experience, had sold out his banking interest in Kansas, and desiring to come West, he accepted an appointment as special agent of the U. S. General Land Office, with headquarters at Seattle, in 1903, a position which he resigned in 1908, when he came down to Mayfield and bought out the Mayfield Bank and Trust Company, which later became known as The
Mayfield Bank. Edward C. Ellet resigned as its president in 1918, turning the institution over to his son Charles, who at once completely reorganized and enlarged it. Charles Ellet then sent East for his brother, Alfred W. Ellet, deputy bank commissioner of the State of Kansas, who came to Palo Alto in 1918 and became vice-president of The Stanford Bank. Mr. Ellet's first wife died at Mayfield, Oct. 5, 1909, and left two children; Zelda, who is a student at the College of Sacred Heart at Menlo Park, and Edward Carpenter, who attends the William Warren School for Boys in the same place. On marrying a second time, Mr. Ellet chose for his wife Miss Martha H. Blois, their wedding occuring on April 27, 1916. They have become the parents of five children, four of whom are living; Charles Ellet, Jr., now five years old, was a twin brother of Thomas Van Dorn, who died at birth; Martha Jane was the next to enter the family, followed later by Elizabeth and Frances, twin daughters. Charles El-let is also president of the Stanford Realty Company and is personally a large property owner at Mayfield, where he resides, and at Palo Alto. He was twice elected town treasurer of Mayfield, and is a power politically in the northern end of the county. He is especially interested in good roads and he has had much to do with the rebuilding of the State Highway at Mayfield, declared by State Engineer Freeman to be one of the best built public highways in the whole United States. Mayfield is at the very gate of Stanford University, and how could it fail of being one of the most promising communities in the Golden State, when, as Mr. El-let says: "Mayfield is by choice as well as by law, a dry town, where no saloons can ever again exist, with her former cesspool nuisance cured by a modern sewer system, costing $35,000; with an inexhaustible supply of artesian water so pure that the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, after a chemical analysis, selected this site on which to erect their 60,000 gallon water-tank for through trains, with Mayfield's dream of an Interurban Electric Railway doubly realized by the Blossom Route to San Jose, and the Waverly Avenue Extension from Palo Alto; with the opening of the Santa Cruz.branch from the main line of the Southern Pacific making Mayfield an important junction point; with the very exceptional train service of over sixty steam trains a day during summer months to and from San Francisco, with a municipal water plant valued at $35,000, being run on a paying basis; with miles of cement sidewalks, curbing and paving; with the completion of the great State Highway through the town; with the Leland Stanford Jr. University, one of the richest endowed institutions of higher learning in the United States, next door, and San Francisco only thirty miles away, the Garden City, San Jose, only fifteen miles distant, and with the famous California Redwood Park, the Wonderland of the West, just about twice as far away." Who can doubt the wisdom of Mr. Ellet in pinning his faith to the new old town and the wisdom of The Stanford Bank in encouraging to its legal limit all rational enterprises here promising a reasonable degree of success.
The new home of The Stanford Bank in Palo Alto which has just been completed, is described elsewhere in this volume. It had a brilliant opening on June 2, 1922. Assets have already passed the half million  mark. True to its name and environment, it carries out the Romanesque style of architecture with its stately pillars and arches in keeping with the dream of Leland Stanford, when he first conceived the idea of building a great university. This banking house has been remodeled after plans of Mr. A. F. Roller, of the firm of M. G. West & Co., the celebrated bank architects and specialists, of San Francisco. Mr. Ellet is a hard and conscientious worker, who realizes that the success of his career as a banker of necessity rests upon the general welfare of the community. He belongs to that class of financiers who understand that service is the cornerstone of all truly worth-while business. Having an accurate knowledge of business and financial conditions at Mayfield and Palo Alto, he finds his greatest satisfaction in advising and helping his patrons on to the sure road of prosperity.


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight