Bio- Pen Pictures

            Charles D. Wright is one of the prominent members of the Bar of Santa Clara County, of which he has been a practicing member for more than fifteen years.  Mr. Wright is a son of the Empire State, born in Watertown, Jefferson County, New York. His early education was obtained in his native State, and when fifteen years of age he came to the Pacific Coast and to Santa Clara County.  In 1865 he entered the law office of Hon. S. O. Houghton as a student, and was admitted to the Bar in 1868.  He has enjoyed a very large and lucrative practice. Mr. Wright has always been a pronounced Republican in his political affiliations, and, possessing the courage of his convictions, he has taken an active part as a local political leader, for which he is well fitted because of his superior judgment of human nature, and his rare tact and executive ability in controlling and directing men.  His candor and integrity of character inspire confidence, and he has proved a successful fighter of political battles.  He managed the campaigns which elected his former preceptor, Mr. Houghton, to the United States Congress.  His efforts in politics have, however, all been in behalf of his friends, as he has never been a candidate, nor sought office for himself.  As a lawyer Mr. Wright excels in his clear conceptions of a cause, and such a logical presentation of the facts as carries conviction with his argument in the minds of the jury and the court.  He has practiced chiefly in the civil courts.

            In 1885 the subject of this memoir married Miss Mollie Murphy, born in Santa Clara County, and a daughter of John M. and Virginia Reed Murphy.  Her father was one of the famous Murphy expedition, whose perilous experiences are narrated at length in this work, as her mother was one of the Donner party, whose terrible trials and sufferings are also given in detail elsewhere in this volume*.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p.  94

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler

[The same biography is also given on page 528 of this book.]

*Donner Party-Murphy Expedition


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight