A native of Pennsylvania, Carl Campbell was born at West Sunbury, Butler County, April 3, 1881, the son of Allen and Katherine (Meckling) Campbell. The father, born in Butler County of Scotch descent, was a veteran of the Civil War, having served two enlistments. He enlisted the first time August 7, 1862, under Capt. John F. White in Company C of the One Hundred Thirty-fourth Pennsylvania Infantry and served nine months, and was discharged May 27, 1863, at Harrisburg, Pa. He enlisted a second time as corporal under Capt. W. R. Hutchinson in Company A of the Sixth Pennsylvania Heavy Field Artillery, which was known as the Two Hundred Twelfth Pennsylvania Volunteers, enlisting on August 30, 1865, at Fort Ethan Allan, Va., after the close of the war. After his discharge he returned to his occupation of farming and also owned and operated a grist mill at West Sunbury, Pa., in partnership with his brother, James. Allen Campbell was married at Butler, Pa., in 1876, and the young couple began housekeeping at West Sunbury, Pa., where the bride was born, a daughter of Joseph and Martha (Muntz) Meckling, Mrs. Campbell being one of a family of seven children. 

In 1892 the family removed to California, where the father purchased a ranch of sixteen acres on the Porter Road, just east of San Jose, which is now devoted to prunes and apricots. Allen Campbell was a strong supporter of the Prohibition party and was a popular member of Sherman-Dix Post, G. A. R., in San Jose, and with his wife was a member of the United Presbyterian Church. This Civil War veteran passed to the Great Beyond on December 21, 1919. His widow still resides on the home place with her son, Carl, who looks after her interests, thus shielding her from needless care and worry. This worthy couple had five children. Blanche is a teacher in the Los Angeles schools; Bessie is the wife of William Holland of Evergreen; Carl, the subject of this review; Homer Ward is principal of the Elmhurst school in Oakland, while Joseph died when sixteen years of age.

Carl Campbell attended the Hauck school in his district and after his school days were over he assisted his father on the ranch until he assumed charge of the place. From a boy he has had much experience in orchard work, and being a close observer as well as a student of tree life, he has become well informed as an horticulturist, so aside from caring for his own orchard he is caring for several other orchards in the vicinity of his home, having a complete farming outfit for the purpose. He is also leasing lands and raising grain and hay. Mr. Campbell is a member of the California Prune and Apricot Growers, Inc., and fraternally is a member of Garden City Lodge of Odd Fellows and the Woodmen of the World, while politically he is a strong protectionist and Republican. A generous and big-hearted man, Mr. Campbell with his pleasing personality is highly esteemed and appreciated and can always be depended on to assist as far as he is able worthy and laudable enterprises for the improvement of the valley and enhancing the happiness of its people.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1006



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight