Bio: Sawyers

Conducting their business as the Truck and Tractor Service Company, Sydney Cassady and Milo J. North have established a unique enterprise that bids fair to open up a new field for the expert machinist. They have devised a fully equipped portable garage and work shop, completely fitted out for any sort of work on automobiles, tractors, trucks or pumps. They specialize on overhauling all kinds of farm machinery, putting it in perfect order for the season's work, so that no time need be lost in the midst of a job, but it is easily seen what a convenience their service may be in an emergency or an accidental breakdown, when a telephone call will speedily bring their portable outfit to the scene. Both partners are expert machinists and they have already handled a number of important jobs.

The headquarters of the shop are on the North ranch. Springer and Berry roads, Mountain View, Cal., which has been the home of Milo J. North for a number of years. He was bom in San Francisco, January 7, 1899, the son of John G. and Josephine (Hansen) North, natives, respectively, of San Francisco and Virginia, their marriage taking place in the Bay City.
The father is the proprietor of the North Machine Company at 324 'Main Street, San Francisco. Milo J. North was reared in San Francisco until 1908, when he came with his parents to their twenty-acre ranch at Mountain View, and this has since been the family home. His only brother, John G., Jr., is an engineer in the Matson service and was in the U. S. Navy during the late war.

Milo J. North attended the grammar school at San Francisco and Mountain View and also the high school at the latter place, and then learned the machinist's trade in his father's shop. In 1920 he was married to Miss Lillian Cassady, and since their marriage they have resided on the North ranch.

Sydney Cassady, who is a brother of Mrs. Milo J. North, is the son of Robert and Catherine (Weiland) Cassady. The father, a native of Toronto, Canada, operates a garage at Mohawk, Plumas County, while the mother is a native daughter, born at Gilroy, Cal. Of their five children, Sydney Cassady, of this review, was born in San Francisco, November 23, 1899, and there he was reared, attending the grammar schools and taking a three years' course in the Humboldt high school. After his school days were over he started in to learn the machinist's trade and he, too, gained his experience at the shop of the North Machine Company in San Francisco. Thus well equipped by training and ex-perience, both of these young men have shown a laudable spirit in pioneering in a new field.

Transcribed by cferoben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  1612