Bernhart Schulte

BIO Pen-pictures

BERNHART SCHULTE, residing on the Coyote Creek, in Midway District, four miles north of San Jose, is the owner of a fine residence property of over twenty-five acres. This place he purchased in 1878, it then being a part of a grain field. All the improvements, buildings or otherwise, have been made by him. An orchard, comprising cherry, apple, peach, pear, and other fruit trees, covers fifteen acres.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Schulte are natives of Germany, but have lived in the United States for over forty years. The latter was born March 13, 1831, and the former, January 1, 1822. After coming to the United States, landing at New Orleans, Mr. Schulte went to St. Louis, where he lived for two years, going thence to Quincy, Illinois, where, in 1850, he was married. A few years were spent in that city, and then Mr. and Mrs. Schulte removed to St. Paul, Minnesota, which was then but a small village. There, in what is now known as West St. Paul, they took up 160 acres of government land, which they improved and lived upon for many years. After the close of the war, they came, via Panama, to this State, and spent their first winter in San Francisco. Mr. Schulte soon purchased 640 acres of railroad land in the San Joaquin Valley; and this magnificent tract he converted into a grain and stock ranch, which he still owns. In 1879 they removed from that property to their present home in this fertile valley.

Mr. and Mrs. Schulte have four children living-- three daughters, and one son. Mrs. Louisa Hay and Henry, are residents of Tracy, in the San Joaquin Valley. Mrs. Caroline Feihman lives on the parental homestead, five miles from Tracy, and Clara resides with her parents. One daughter, Annie Maria, died in 1887, at the age of twenty-four years. Henry Schulte, with his brother-in-law, John Hay, is engaged at Tracy in the manufacture of combined harvesters, which were invented and patented by Mr. Hay and himself.

Mrs. Schulte is a consistent member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Schulte, in local politics, is bound by no party nominations, but votes for good men---not for parties. In national politics he is identified with the Republican party. A life of industry and economy have made Mr. Schulte a prosperous land owner, and a man of influence, while the many genial traits of this kind-heared, worth couple, have caused them to be regarded as the best of neighbors and the truest of friends.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p. 273-274

Transcribed by Carol Lackey



, page 273-274