The Valley of Heart's Delight

Marble and Granite Works

Bio- Sawyers, History of Santa Clara
page 924


A pioneer whose foresight and wide-awake enterprise have been productive of one of the notable industries in Santa Clara County, is Bruce Ingels, the former proprietor of the Marble and Granite Works at Gilroy, to which town he came soon after the dawn of the present century. He was born on September 25, 1846, the son of Miss Phoebe Rambo before her marriage, was enroute to Iowa, and was near the Missouri-Iowa State line; the parents were both natives of Iowa, and became settlers of that territory before it was admitted into the Union as a State; and Samuel Ingels was one of the earliest postmasters of Oskaloosa, where he was also a merchant and farmer.

At the age of eighteen, Bruce Ingels enlisted in Company H, of the Twenty-fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, for a three years' service, and he was transferred to the Ninth Iowa Volunteer Veteran Infantry when they were home on furlough. He served under Grant, Sherman, and Logan until July 19, 1865, when he marched in review at Washington, and he had the honor of marching with Sherman through Georgia. In 1865 he returned to his home in Iowa, and the following year he was married to Miss Pathenia Larsh, who was born on March 21, 1843, a native of Des Moines and sister to another volunteer soldier who stood by the Republic in the time of war. She was a teacher in Polk County, Iowa, for several years prior to her marriage.

Samuel Ingels had acquired a stone and marble business through default, and Bruce having entered into partnership with him, made good at the trade. In 1871 he came out to California on a prospecting tour, and he liked San Francisco so well that he remained there for two years and worked at his trade. The next year, he returned to Iowa; but in 1882 he removed with his family to Hollister and there took up agricultural pursuits. In 1890 he removed to the San Juan Valley to engage in orcharding; and twelve years later he sold everything and came to Gilroy. He entered the employ of A. A. Martin & Bro. who had the stone and marble works on North Monterey street, and after working steadily for that firm for eighteen years, he acquired by purchase the desirable business which he conducted until his retirement in April, 1922. He and his wife own a residence at Seventh and Church streets.

Mr. Ingels is a Republican, and cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln. For twelve years he served as secretary of the Improved Order of Redmen. Mrs. Ingels is a member of the Gilroy W. C. T. U., and the Civic Center, and a student in Dr. Russell's Bible School, and in such work as this she is handing down the traditions of her parents, William Lewis and Mary B. (Tacitt) Larsh, who were both members of prominent Ohio families, and related to members of the State legislature and the judiciary. She is, besides, past president of the W. R. C. of Hollister, and has proven herself a great organizer. Three children were granted Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ingels, and from them have sprung ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Kitty is the wife of John Waters of Vallejo, and they have four children. Clyde Larsh Ingels is married, also has four children; he served in the Spanish-American War, resides near Monterey. Edith M. has become the wife of Martin Heath, and they reside at Oakland with their two children. Leroy Waters, one of the grandsons, served seven years in the U. S. Navy and has sailed the seven seas, while his brother Carl has served one year in the Navy.

Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 924


SANTA CLARA COUNTY HISTORY -The Valley of Heart's Delight