A native of the Golden State, Fred Biaggi was born in Santa Clara County, Cal., on a ranch known as the Pala Olive Grove, May 31, 1888, his father being the foreman of this ranch.  The later, Alfred F. Biaggi, was a native of Lucca, Italy, born April 27m, 1862; while his mother, Mary (Bradley) Biaggi, was a native of Scotland, but early in life migrated to California and was, at the time of her marriage, employed on the Pala Olive Grove Ranch.  Fred Biaggi's grandparent, Bartholomew and Venizani Biaggi, were both natives of Italy, the grandfather being a successful gardener in his native land.  He brought his family to this county when Alfred F. was but eleven years old.  His opportunity for attending school in his native land had been very limited, but upon his arrival in California, while he was employed by George Miller on his ranch in the Santa Cruz Mountains, he there improved his opportunities and attended the public school.  For ten years, the lad labored  for Mr. Miller on his ranch "Skyland."
After Mr. Biaggi's marriage to Miss Mary Bradley in the summer of 1883, they removed to San Jose where he worked and accumulated sufficient money to purchase about ten acres some seven miles east of San Jose.  He successfully farmed this for a period of five years, then selling out, he removed to San Jose and resided there for a number of years.  During the year 1911 he purchased nine and one-half acres on South Twenth-fourth Street and planted this to cherries and prunes.  About 1913 a brother arrived from Italy brining with him a   quantity of Italian cherry cuttings from the vicinity of Lucca, Italy,  These he budded, but only succeeded in growing one, but from this, he was able to propagate a great many trees.  They are a superior cherry and Mr. Biaggi possesses the only trees of this variety in the Valley. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Biaggi, four of whom are living, Frank having died in infancy; William is an attorney-at-law living in San Jose; Fred, the subject of this sketch, is a mechanic and operates an auto repair shop at 19 Twenty-fifth Street, San Jose; Mamie married Mr. Roderick, who is employed with the Standard Oil Company; George, the youngest son, makes his home in San Jose.  During the World War he served in the aviation department at the field near Sacramento.  While thus engaged he contracted the "flu", which developed into double pneumonia.  He was critically ill for a long period of time; was taken to a sanitarium near Saratoga; then removed to the Government Hospital at Palo Alto, later taken to the Presedio and when he began to improve , was sent to Tucson, Ariz., and later to San Diego.  Five grandchildren have come to gladden  the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Biaggi.  Their son William has one daughter; Mrs. Roderick two sons, William and Lester; Fred has two children, Frances and Fred, Jr.
Fred Biaggi was educated in the public schools of Santa Clara County, but at the early age of nine he started out to earn his own living.  He worked as a mechanic for a number of years; spent one year with Standard Oil Company; was driver for the Associated Oil Company for a short time; was employed by the Norman Camping Company of San Jose of a year; the with the Osen Mc-Farland Company, working as a mechanic on the Dodge cars.  About this time he invested his savings on the garage business, having three establishments, one on Santa Clara Street, one on South First Street, and another one on West Santa Clara Street, near the bridge.  The opportunity came to dispose of his garage business and he then entered the employ of Scripps-Booth and Cole as head mechanic until he again engaged in the repair business. For a short time Mr. Biaggi was engaged in the  plumbing business, in the employ of Mr. Ferguson as a journey man plumber in Bakersfield, and doing the plumbing work for the Greek Theater and the City Hall.
During the year 1924, Mr. Biaggi married Miss Myrtle McCarthy, a native of California, and the daughter of William McCarthy. Mr. Biaggi is a member of the Mechanic Association No. 1095, and in national politics he is a stanch Republican.
from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County, California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.

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The family to which William R Biaggi belongs has been identified in a substantial way with California's early history, his parents being Anibale F. and Mary (Bradley) Biaggi. Mrs. Biaggi was a member of the Bradley family of Mendocino County while the father was a passenger on the first train over the Union Pacific Railroad, and has the distinction of helping to lay the last rail, on the memorable occasion when East and West were linked.  He planted the famous olive orchard known as the Palo Alto Grove on Julian Street and built the first modern olive oil mill on that property.  He is now a well-to-do orchardist of Santa Clara County, and with his wife is now enjoying the fruits of their early toil.
William R. Biaggi was born at San Jose and attended the public schools of his native county.  Upon leaving school he accepted a position as third steward at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco. remaining there but one years, however, as he ahd always been anxious to engage in the practice of law.  With this goal in view he went into the office of William A Bowden, a prominent attorney of San Jose, and on October 28, 1910, he was admitted to the practice of law, in which profession he has since continued.  His practice has grown to such proportions that he is considered one of the most successful lawyers of San Jose; he is an authority on tax title laws, and has prepared a book on this subject.
His marriage in March 1919, united him with Miss Rebecca J. Johnson, a native daughter residing at Gilroy, Cal., and they have one child, Nyla Jane.  In political views Mr. Biaggi  is independent and believes in the fitness of the man for the office rather than party affiliation. At the beginning of the recent war, he entered the service of his county, but on account of physical disability, was discharged.  He is a trustee of the Italo-American Club of Santa Clara County and is an active member of the County Bar Association, taking an active part in all civic reforms, and is ever ready with plans for the advancement of his community.   An up-to-date and enterprising lawyer, Mr. Biaggi is to be congratulated upon the success he has made of his life.
from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
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