Bio- Sawyer- History of Santa Clara County
SURNAMES: DeMatteo, Wallfisch

Among the many physicians who loyally responded to their country's call during the late war, giving of their professional services during that crucial time, must be mentioned Dr. Bart Gattuccio.  Able and dependable, he is fast taking a place among the foremost practitioners of San Jose.  He maintains a suite of offices in the Bank of San Jose building, where he has been located for the past three years.  Dr. Gattucccio was born in Tratra, province of Palermo, Sicily,  on July 28, 1893, the son of Joseph and Sarah (De Matteo) Gattucccio, who came to Santa Clara County when Bart was but a lad.  He parents are ranchers in the Evergreen district, owning a thirtyacre fruit ranch.

Bart Gattucccio attended the Evergreen grammar school and later the San Jose high school where he graduated with the class of 1912.  He then matriculated at the Hahnemann Medical College, at San Francisco, now affiliated with the University of California and there he took the regular four-year medical course, graduating in 1916.  After that he served as an interne at the San Francisco County Hospital for a year, then went to Santa Cruz and opened up an office and practiced in Santa Cruz County for a year.  The war breaking out at that time, he enlisted in the medical service of the U. S. Army and was stationed at Fr. Riley, Kans., at Camp Lewis, and Camp Kearney, where he received his honorable discharge, having been given his commission as first lieutenant.  The war being over, doffing his uniform for civilian attire, he returned to San Jose there to resume his practice.

Dr.. Gattuccio's marriage, which occurred December 16, 1920, united him to Miss Anna Wallfisch who was born in New York City, but reared in San Francisco.  He is prominent both socially and professionally, and enjoys a large and growing general practice  Fraternally, he is a member of the American Legion, and is a member of the national., state and county medical societies, in all of which he is a popular leading member.
Sawyer, Eugene T. History of Santa Clara County, California Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1922, 1776 pgs.
page 890
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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight