
Californians delight to honor the intrepid and far-seeing pioneer, whose courage, ambition and progressive industry have made possible so many of the blessings of today, having paved the way for those who were to come after; and among such worthy early settlers the name of the late Charles D. Beverson will find an enviable place. As has already been said of him, his career was remarkable, for he began the battle of life at an early age in a foreign country, and without capital worked his way gradually and steadily into the foreground until he easily ranked among the most prosperous and successful stock raisers and fruit growers in Santa Clara County, where he had lived since the late '60s.

Mr. Beverson was born at Bremen, Germany, on April 10, 1850, the son of Clause and Mata (Juston) Beverson, natives of the same locality, where they passed all their days. His father had a farm of 100 acres, rather large for that time and section, and by following agricultural pursuits supported his family of five children. The fourth child of the family, Charles, had only a common school education and at the age of fourteen left his home and crossed the Atlantic, and in New York he found such employment for three years as enabled him to support himself. Having heard much of California, however, he set out for the Pacific Coast in 1867, crossing by way of the Nicaraguan route, and finally reached the Golden Gate. He went into the San Joaquin River district for a while and spent the first season near Alice. Then he come to Santa Clara County and took up a claim of 160 acres twenty-three miles east of Milpitas, where with keen foresight he began to raise cattle. He succeeded from the first and little by little made additional purchases, and thus came to own a fine ranch of 2,000 acres in that locality, and to keep 300 head of choice cattle and a number of horses. He also owned some eighty-six acres devoted to dairying at Laguna, where he milked twenty-five cows and made a fine grade of butter.

Mr. Beverson was twice married. At his first wedding he became the husband of Mrs. Jennie L. (Gallea) Williams, a daughter of Hiram D. and Amanda (Kennedy) Gallea, the former a native of New York, the latter born in Ohio, both of Scotch origin, and they were the parents of seven children: Betsy, Mrs. Bancroft, died in Montana; Mrs. Helen Simpkins died in Michigan; Statira, Mrs. Harrison, died in Michigan; Mrs. Jennie L. Beverson died in California; Olive, the present Mrs. Beverson; Mrs.. Orsie M. Ross of Michigan; Ebert died at the age of six months. Hiram D. Gallea engaged in farming and stock raising at Belvidere, Ill., for five years, and while there raised a yoke of white oxen that were a dead match, and which took the blue ribbon at every fair they were exhibited. Wishing to locate in Allegan County, Mich., he drove this span of oxen through to his destination, where he settled upon Government land, living there until his death at the age of sixty-seven, Mrs. Gallea passing away the same year, having reached her sixty-fifth year. Both were devout members of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Jennie L. Beverson first saw the light at Chagrin Falls, Ohio, and when she passed away on the home ranch in Santa Clara County she was the mother of two surviving children: Robert L. Williams, always called Bob Beverson, was educated at the San Jose high school and Stanford University, and is now a popular young business man, engaged in the automobile trade at San Jose; Meta Ruth Beverson, a graduate of the San Jose State Normal and a member of the State Teachers' Association, is teaching the Orchard SchooL Mr. Beverson's second marriage united him with Miss Olive S. Gallea, a sister of Mrs. Beverson; she was also a native of Chagrin Falls, Ohio, but was reared at Watson, Mich. Since her husband's death, on July 17, 1921, she has continued to live at the home place on the San Jose-Oakland Highway, devoted to his memory and looking after the large interests left by her husband and carrying out his plans and ambitions. In her earlier years she was engaged in educational work, teaching school in Michigan, so she is naturally much interested in the career of her daughter, Miss Meta Beverson. Having been reared in an atmosphere of culture and refinement, she emanates an influence for good. and her stand for high ideals and morals is well known. Her patriotic zeal during the World War was helpful in the various war drives, and especially in the local chapter of the Red Cross, of which she was president. Of a pleasing personality, she is well known and much esteemed, and her influence has been felt in her activity in social and civic circles.

A Republican in politics, Mr. Beverson was broadminded in local affairs and served as a nonpartisan school trustee up to 1909. He was a charter member of the Fraternal Brotherhood and at the time of his death had been a member of that order for twenty-one years. Mr. Beverson always attributed most of his financial success in life to the devoted assistance of his wife, who capably looked after the financial end of his large business, thus making it possible for him to devote all his time to stock raising and the improvement of his lands. A man of great energy, he was never idle and was active in his business affairs until a week before his passing away.

Transcribed cferoben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1630