Bio- Sawyers

Few men in Santa Clara County are more deserving the success attending their various efforts than John F. Beatty, the experienced, far-seeing and nterprising butcher of Alviso, for in addition to his ability and industry, he has always led in public-spiritedness, and has been invariably an affective booster for Santa Clara County and all within its favored borders.  A native son, he was born in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, on October 14, 1878, the son of George W. and Emma Beatty.  His father, who was a butcher in Santa Rosa, came across the great plains in 1851, traveling by ox team, when he was a mere child; and with his folks he settled in Sonoma County.

John attended the Grammar School of Santa Rosa, and at the age of seventeen, he started to make his own way in the world.  He had learned the butcher’s trade under his father, and when twenty-one years of age left Santa Rosa and went to Lovelocks, Nev., where he worked as a butcher.  From there he moved on to Pendleton, Ore., where he followed his trade.  In 1904, Mr. Beatty returned to Mayfield, where he worked as a butcher for a short time, and he also worked in the shops at Mountain View and Sunnyvale; and in 1916 he came to Alviso and reopened a shop which had previously been unsuccessful.  Thoroughly understanding his business, he attained success where others had failed, and now he buys grain, feeds hogs, and butchers hogs and calves, and such is the popularity of his high-grade products, that his own cure of bacon is always in demand- far ahead of its being prepared.  He has raised a drove of ninety head of hogs, and he has a large flock of turkeys, and it is his intention soon to engage in the raising exclusively of hogs and stock.

At Mountain View, on February 8, 1913, Mr. Beatty was married to Miss Adele Girard, a native of Santa Clara County, and the daughter of a rancher who was also engaged in the management of a hotel at Mountain View.  Three children have blessed the fortunate union, Clara, Evelyn and Frank.  In national political affairs, Mr. Beatty prefers the platforms of the Republican party.

Transcribed cby Susan Schooler from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. 1392