The  Valley of Heart's Delight

- California Politician, San Jose Mayor, Busisness Man

Mayor Murphy, of San Jose, was born in Quebec, March 1, 1841, and
accompanied his grandfather, father, and the rest of the Murphy family, to
Missouri, and afterwards, in 1844, to California. After settling in San
Jose, he was elected its Mayor, April 14, 1873 by the Democrats. In 1868 he
was returned to the Assembly, when he polled two thousand two hundred and
twenty-nine votes; and in 1877 he was sent to the State Senate, with a
total vote of three thousand two hundred and sixty-two. While holding the
latter office, he was instrumental in securing the location of the State
Normal School in San Jose. Besides this boon to the Garden City, he was one
of the original founders of the San Jose Woolen Mills, and was a
stockholder in the concern until 1881. He is also interested in the Angora
Robe and Glove Factory; and is President of the Commercial and Saving Bank
as well. On the death of the eminent philanthropist, James Lick, Mr. Murphy
was named by him one of the trustees to his will, and so remained on the
Trust until a new deed was executed. He was one of the chief movers in
forwarding the road to the summit of Mount Hamilton. In 1862 Mr. Murphy
studied law in the office of Williams & Thornton, and Campbell, Fox &
Campbell, being "called" in 1865, he has, however, not practiced on account
of his official duties. Married in 1869, Annie McGroghegan, and has living;
Mary, Eveline, Martin, Elizabeth, and Gertrude. There are two deceased,
Bonard and Thomas.

The Pioneer, published San Jose, California, Saturday, February 11, 1882