Bio-Pen Pictures

is one of the large land‑owners of the county. His farm, of 218 acres, is situated in the Doyle School District, about four miles southwest of Santa Clara; 118 acres of the land, upon which is his comfortable residence, is on the north side of the road, while the remainder lies on the south side and farther west. The ranch is entirely devoted to the growing of hay and grain and to stock-raising, with the exception of a small portion reserved for the cultivation of fruit and vegetables, for domestic use.

        Mr. Craft was born in Jefferson County, New York, January 20, 1819. He is the son of Samuel and Czarina (Holmes) Craft, both of whom were natives of New York. Of the eight children in their family, two have become residents of California,—Lewis and Benjamin. The former came to this State in 1851, and is now engaged in farming in San Diego County. The latter followed his brother three years later, by the Nicaragua route. Landing in San Francisco in 1854, he started on foot for Santa Clara County. Mr. Craft's means, at that time, were decidedly limited, and fell short of stage fare; but he was rich in courage and perseverance, and, with this wealth, commenced work, immediately upon his arrival, for Isaac Thompson, in the grain field. He remained in Mr. Thompson's employ until the fall of the same year, when he went to the mines. There he found work hard to secure, and, rather than remain idle, he worked for his board. At last he obtained, by purchase, another man's place. His industry and reliability soon gained recognition, and he easily obtained employment for the next four years. In 1858 he returned to Santa Clara County, and, finding that the drought of the preceding two or three years had greatly reduced the price of land, he took advantage of the opportunity and purchased the 116 acres upon which he now resides. The wisdom of this venture is now made apparent in the fine condition of the fertile land, and in the ease with which it might be sold for a price greatly in advance of that paid for it. The purchase of the 100 acres before mentioned was consummated about five years later.

In early life Mr. Craft was reared as a farmer, and was deprived of nearly all educational advantages, but, with his characteristic energy and ambition, he entered upon a course of study and educated himself, after he had reached the age of twenty years. These traits have influenced him throughout his busy life, making him a most successful farmer and a respected citizen. He is a consistent member of the Methodist Church, and one of its strong supporters. In politics he is a faithful Republican, but still very liberal in his views, taking a lively interest in the political questions of the day.

        In 1864 Mr. Craft was united in marriage with Mrs. Carrie (Sallows) Jeffreys, a resident of Santa Clara County, and the daughter of Robert and Ann (Bines) Sallows, residents and natives of Essex County, England. From this marriage three children were born, two of whom are living, viz.: William H., aged (in 1888) twenty-three years, and Benjamin A., aged twenty years. By her former marriage Mrs. Craft had two daughters. The elder, Jennie E. A. Jeffreys, died December 24, 1881, at the age of twenty-two years; the younger, Annie B. Jeffreys (in 1888), is twenty-five years of age.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 471-472


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight