The Valley of Heart's Delight

Founder of CAMPBELL, Santa Clara County, California


The subject of this sketch enjoys the distinction of being the first permanent settler of Hamilton District. He was born in Muhlenburg County, Kentucky, October 16, 1826. He is the son of William and Agnes Campbell, who, in 1839, emigrated from Kentucky to Saline County, Missouri, and in 1846 crossed the almost trackless Plains and pathless mountains to California, settling in Santa Clara County. At the time of this removal Mr. Campbell was just reaching manhood: consequently all his active business life has been spent in this county. In many a pioneer enterprise he was associated with his father, whose history appears in this connection.

On their arrival they found the country in the turmoil which terminated in its conquest, not by force of numbers, but by American valor. In this war, and in the work of creating a new order of things, father and son had a part. In the spring of 1851 Mr. Campbell purchased the site of his present home, which is on Campbell Avenue, near Campbell Station, in the Hamilton District. His original purchase was a squatter's right. Other parties claiming it under Mexican grants, litigation followed, which extended through a period of eighteen years. Finally Mr. Campbell bought a quit-claim of the parties, and obtained of the United States Government a patent of 160 acres, all but 52 acres of which has been sold, at different times. This is yet owned by him, or by members of his family.

Mr. Campbell is now largely interested in horticulture, having planted twenty-five acres to trees during the present year. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. They are also members of the order of Patrons of Husbandry. In politics Mr. Campbell is identified with the Democratic party. Campbell Station, on the Southern Pacific Railway, was built on his land, and was followed by the establishment of Campbell post-office,Mr. Campbell himself being its Postmaster until recently.

A long life in Santa Clara County (having now passed the fourth decade), and a worthy one, has won for Mr. and Mrs. Campbell the respect, esteem, and confidence of all who know them.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 526-527 Transcribed by Roena Wilson


Santa Clara County- The Valley of Heart's Delight

July 19, 2005