Bio- Sawyers

BAPTISTE BORDI.—An old settler of California, Baptiste Bordi was born at Parma, Italy, January 24, 1841, where his father Augustin was a farmer. Baptiste Bordi was left an orphan at nine years of age, his father passing away in 1845 and his mother in 1850. Thus the little lad was thrown on his own resources and naturally had a hard time of it in his battle for a livelihood. For a short time he was a soldier, then he became a traveler visiting France, Spain, Portugal, making his own way. Then he went to Brazil, next to South Africa and later on to Morocco. Then we find him in England, where he was employed in London and Liverpool until he decided to come to California in 1869. After working a short time at gardening in San Francisco, he made his way to Calaveras County, where he followed prospecting, but with indifferent success. He then went to Oregon and mined for a time near Canon City and next was in business in Portland for a short time, until he made his way to British Columbia, where he engaged in mining about two-hundred miles north of Victoria. On his return to San Francisco he had a fruit store for a short time. He came to Mountain View July 15, 1871, and leased a farm and raised vegetables, meeting with sufficient success to enable him to purchase the place. He purchased lots in Mountain View and built the Grand Hotel, of which he was proprietor for many years. In 1881 he bought 1671/2 acres of his present ranch on Stevens Creek, later on purchasing an adjoining ranch of 120 acres, making 2871/2 acres in all, which he has cleared and improved. About 100 acres of the ranch are under cultivation, devoted to orchard and vineyard, being pronounced one of the finest ranches on Stevens Creek, where Mr. Bordi enjoys the quiet and contentment of his own home.

In Mayfield occurred the marriage of Mr. Bordi and Dossolina Grazzor. She was born in Canton Ticino, Switzerland, coming with her parents to California via New Orleans when she was only a child. Of the nine children born to them four are living: Isabella, Mrs. Tillman, resides near Mayfield; Placido P. is a deputy sheriff under Mr. Lyle and also assists his father on the ranch; Stephen is a carpenter in San Francisco, and Antonio P. is a stockman in San Mateo County. Mr. and Mrs. Bordi have been very energetic and indefatigable in their efforts, and have been successful in gaining a corn petency. For many years he was a member of the Eagles and Druids.
Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,
 published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1470