
A proficient and popular official, whose fidelity to duty, together with a charming personality, has appealed to all hav-ing occasion to invoke her services, is Mrs. Mayme Elliott Barry, superintendent of the Palo Alto Hos-pital, where she is also house anaesthetist-a woman of remarkable natural ability and wide, valuable experience, intensely interested in her arduous work. She was born at Payette, Idaho, the daughter of Thomas Elliott, an Idaho pioneer mining man, now deceased, but once well known to the Inland Empire, the Pacific Coast and the Pacific Northwest; and she was educated at Whitman College, in Washington. She took her first training in nursing at the General Hospital, at Walla Walla, Wash., and then went to Chicago and there pursued post-graduate work in hos-pital management and anaesthesia at the Columbia and the Chicago Post Graduate hospitals.

Returning to Washington, she took charge of the Walla Walla General Hospital as superintendent and house anaesthetist, but on resigning from that posi-tion, she continued courses in anaesthesia at Cleve-land and in New York City. Then she came to California and became identified with the Peninsular Hospital at Palo Alto-now known as the Palo Alto Hospital-and she remained there as superintendent until 1917, when she resigned her position and established herself at Palo Alto in private practice as an anaesthe-tist. In July, 1918, however, she was appointed by the U. S. Surgeon-General as anaesthetist-at-large with the American forces abroad, and she went immediately to Meres Center, in France, four hours by train from Paris, where she had charge of all the anaesthetists in that hospital. She did not return with her base to the United States, as the value of her professional services had now become recognized and a continuation of her services was demanded. She was next sent to Dijon, France, where she became chief anaesthetist, and served until July, 1919, when the American Hospital at Dijon was transferred to the United States. Immediately thereafter, in re-sponse to telegrams from Coblenz, Mrs. Barry was sent to the Evacuation Hospital No. 27, in Germany, and she became anaesthetist there, as it was desired to have one who could administer nitrous-oxide as an expert. When a base hospital was formed at Coblenz, some Americans returning to the United States and other Americans taking their places, she remained and became chief anaesthetist, but in March, 1920, on account of illness in her family, she returned to California and Palo Alto, and immediately resumed her work as superintendent and chief anaesthetist at the Palo Alto Hospital.

This, the Peninsular Hospital, was taken over by Stanford University, which operated it in cooperation with the Palo Alto city government. On July 1, 1921, the hospital was sold to the city of Palo Alto, and the city in turn leased it to Stanford University, on a twenty-year lease, with Dr. George Somers as superintendent. Now its status is such among hospitals of the state that her present responsible post may well be regarded as the fitting climax in Mrs. Barry's career.

Her father, Thomas Elliott, was a native of Decatur, and when the gold excitement broke out, he was attending boarding school in his home town. He ran away, and crossed the great plains while making his way as the driver of a freight team; and he reached California late in 1849. In time he became identified with early mining interests, as well as politics, in Idaho, and it was he who discovered and developed the celebrated Sub-Rosa gold mine in the Boise, Idaho, Basin. He brought all the mining machinery across the plans from the East, and made and lost three fortunes.

While at Boise, he was married  to Miss Jane Margaret Starr, a native of Iowa, and an accomplished young lady several years his junior, who had herself crossed the plains to Ogden, Utah, and then moved on to Idaho. Now, at the ripe age of sixty, she resides in comfort at Baker, Ore., the wife of Charles W. Durkee, who developed the celebrated Durkee Mines at Baker city. Three sons in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott are still living: Jess H. Elliott is interested in mines at Baker; and Paul T. Elliott, who was in the service of his country abroad during the war, resides near Hoplands, Cal., where he is following agricultural pursuits. Norman A. Elliott, also abroad in the defense of his country, is a graduate of the University of California and will continue the study of medicine.
Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 786