


The identification of the Volkers family with the Pacific Coast section of the Great West, dates back to 1878, when Fred Volkers came to Santa Clara County, Cal., and engaged in agricultural pursuits, later establishing a transfer and storage business in San Jose, one of the first in this line, of which Arthur W. Volkers is manager and owner. A native of California, having been born in San Jose December 14, 1885, he is the son of Fred and Elizabeth (Birnbaum) Volkers; the father came to California in 1878, the mother following four years later, and for the first four years they engaged in farming. Then Mr. Volkers served six years on the San Jose fire department and in the year 1888 established the well-known business of Volkers Transfer and Storage Company and later at the present headquarters, 131 North Market Street, and here he continued until the time of his death in 1914; the mother is still living.

Arthur Volkers received his education in the public schools of his native city and then took a commercial course in the Pacific Coast Business College in San Jose and for three years was in the employ of the Bank of Palo Alto. In 1906, he began working with his father and at his father's death, he took over the active management of the business, which he has built up to a high state of efficiency. He has the name of giving the best and quickest service in that city and prides himself in having the goods delivered in the very best condition. He uses three motor trucks and employs five men.

Energetic and enthusiastic in all he does, Mr. Volkers takes and active part in all the movements that make for the betterment of the city in which he lives and is an ardent worker in the Chamber of Commerce. He is a member of the California State Draymen's Association and also a member of the Observatory Parlor No. 177, N. S. G. W., of
which he is past president and he is also an enthusiastic member of the San Jose Commercial Club. Mr. Volkers is very fond of outdoor life and enjoying fishing and hunting, he takes great pleasure in spending his leisure moments in this way.

Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1531
transcribed by Joseph Kral


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight