University Creamery- Altomont Creamery
Palo Alto

The proprietor of the Altomont Creamery at 262 University Avenue, Palo Alto, Anton T. Nielsen, has met with splendid success in his business since locating here and has also established a branch creamery at Mountain View.  Mr. Nielsen was born in Jylland, Denmark, November 24, 1886,k the son of Niels K. and Mette Nielsen.  The father, who was only four years old, and when he was nine, his mother also passed away, so that he had to face the problem of making a living at a very early age.  There were four sons in the NIELSEN family, and among then Anton is the third, and the only one in America.  He began his life as a wage earner among strangers, working on a dairy farm, meanwhile attending school as much as he could, and he received a thorough training in dairy and farm work that stood him in good stead in later years.  When he was twenty-two years old, Mr. Nielsen came to America, Oakland, Cal., being his destination, and shortly afterward he went to work on a dairy farm near Pleasanton, and after six months he came to San Jose, being employed by he Golden Nugget Creamery there.  HE was a hard worker and ambitious, so soon mastered al the details of the creamery business, becoming a buttermaker. He then formed a partnership with Mrs. Jackson in the Royal Ice Cream Company for two years, when Mr. Gulmon bought out Mrs. Jackson's interest, the Royal Ice Cream Company being operated by the firm of Gulmon and Nielsen for the next year.  Mr. Nielsen then started the Crystal Creamery, which he operated for two years, then going to Stockton, where he leased the Royal Ice Cream Company's business for a years.  In 1918 Mr. Nielsen came to Palo Alto and bought the University Creamery, and soon thereafter the Altomont Creamery, which he operates with fine success, as well as the branch at Mountain View, eighteen people being o his pay roll.
In 1911 Mr. Nielsen was married to Miss Opal Young, who was born at Allen, Mich., and they have one child, Virginia Ruth,  They make their home in the attractive residence which Mr. Nielsen purchased, at 624 University Avenue, Palo Alto.  He also purchased the property at 262 University Avenue, where his business is located, and here he expects to erect a two-story and basement building of concrete to accommodate his large and fast-growing business.  The Altomont Creamery uses about 500 gallons of milk a day and makes about 200 gallons of ice cream daily, also a large output of butter and cottage cheese, which all find a ready market due to their superior quality.

transcribed by C feroben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  1338



A yound man of sterling worth, Knut H. Hansen, is one of th recent accessions to Palo Ato business circles and has recently become the owner and proprietor of the University Creamery, with its store, manufactory and ice cream parlor at 209 University Avenue.  He brings to his buisiness, the efficency and campetency, born of years of hard and painstaking work, especially in the ice cream line, having for several years held positions of responsibility with several of the leading manufacturers and caterers on the Pacific Coast and in the Middle West.  He was born at Copenhagen, Denmark, November 11, 1880, and is the only son of Harold and Judith (Haslund) Hansen, an own cousin, as chemis in the originating and manufacture of Hansen's butter coloring.  The parents came to America, settling in St. Paul., Minn., in 1891, and to California in 1895, and the father died in 1917, leaving his widow and four children.  The mother resides with our subject in Palo ALto, while the three living daughters are: Mrs. Julian Heidekker of Berkeley; Mrs. Thyra Haslund of St. Paul, Minn., nad Inga Nyby the wife of Ib Nyby, oil man, in Kern County, Cal.
Knut H. Hansen came to America with his parents in 1891 and at the early age of thirteen went to work upon a dairy-farm near St. Paul  He continued to work in Minnesota and Wisconsin in the creamery line until 1907, when he came to California where he has specialized in the manufacturing of ice cream, having help positions of responsibility with such well-known firms as Christopher's at Los Angeles and Sherry Bros., of San Franisco.  It is safe to say that he has no superior in his line in Santa Clara County.  He came to Palo Alto in  1919 and for three yeras was engaged with Mr. A. T. Nielsen, the proprietor of the Altamont Creamery.  On June '1, 1922, he bought out the University Creamery  and looks forward to a successful honrable business career.