Bio-Pen Pictures


The subject of this sketch is entitled to mention among the pioneers of this State and county, having become a resident of the former in 1849, and of the latter a few months later.  He was born in New York city, on the fourth of May, 1831, and is the son of Andrew T. And Mary (Siskron) Gallagher, of that city.  His father was a native of Ireland.  Mr. Gallagher’s early boyhood was spent at home, and in attendance upon school, but at the age of fourteen years he entered the employ of William T. Jennings & co., merchant tailors of his native city.  He remained with them until a short time before October 16, 1848, at which date he embarked on the bark John W. Cater, Captain Richard Hoyt commanding, for a voyage around Cape Horn to California.

He reached San Francisco on the fourteenth of March 1849, and shortly after his arrival purchased the launch Mary and Catherine.  After making a few trips to Sonoma he sold the vessel and entered the mines at Sullivan’s Camp, in Tuolumne County.  He remained there a few months, and then came to Santa Clara County and obtained employment in the Redwoods.  He spent a few weeks in that work, engaging afterward in teaming between that point and Alviso.  Similar work occupied his attention for some time, as he engaged in the transportation of freight from Alviso to San Jose and Santa Clara.  At the same time he also transported freight between San Francisco and Alviso, having purchased the schooner Catherine Miller, and placed her in this trade.  During a part of the time he was himself in command of the vessel.  These enterprises filled about two years, and, upon giving them up, he made a complete change of work, taking a position as clerk in one of the warehouses in Alviso.  He remained in this business, faithfully discharging all duties, until 1863.

But several years before giving up this work he purchased and established his residence, in June 1853, upon property in the Alviso District, about four and a half miles north of Santa Clara, and one mile south of Alviso.  His farm, of 160 acres of productive land, is devoted largely to the raising of grain and hay, and to pasturage.  However, there are forty acres of orchard, comprising nearly all the varieties of fruit gown in this section.  The principal products are apples, pears, and plums, but peaches, apricots, nectarines, cherries, figs, and persimmons are also raised.  Tot he culture of strawberries, of the Longworth, Sharpless and Cheney varieties, twenty-eight acres are devoted, while eight acres are planted with raspberries and blackberries.  In addition, the ground in his orchards Mr. Gallagher utilizes for the raising of tomatoes and other vegetables, besides eight acres which are used exclusively for that purpose.  The water from five artesian wells gives all that is needed for all purposes.  A pleasant and comfortable cottage home, with appropriate out-buildings, shows the prosperity which Mr. Gallagher has achieved.

On the twenty-sixth of September 1852, Mr. Gallagher was united in marriage with Miss Maria Remonda Martin, the daughter of John and Vaclecia Bernal (Ortega) Martin.  Her father, a native of Scotland, came to this State in 1829, while holding the position of ship’s carpenter in the English naval service.  He died in 1851.  Mr. And Mrs. Gallagher are the parents of eleven children, viz.: Mary, born August 12, 1853; Martha, May 1, 1855; Richard, August 10, 1863; George F., September 26, 1860; Richard, August 10, 1863; George F., September 18, 1865; Bascaleseria, July 13, 1867; Alford, April  5, 1869; Charles W., June 7, 1871; William, June 16, 1873; and Mabel S., November 18, 1875.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote. - Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.p. 464,465

Transcribed by Debbie Combs

see additional bio -written in 1881


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight