Wheaton Camp, Spanish-American War Veterans


An experienced and enterprising business man whose success represents the Twentieth Century spirit, is Arthur T. Britton, the owner and manager of the busy automobile-machine and repair shop at South First Street, San Jose, noted for its modern equipment and its ability to turn out work of almost any kind within that field of industry. A native son, he was born at San Diego in 1880, the son of William and Laura A. (Inman) Britton, who came early to California, were married at San Jose and lived here for some years, and then removed to San Diego. Mr. Britton had come across the plains in 1854, while Mrs. Britton came by the Isthmus. Arthur attended the usual grammar schools, but profited most, later on in life, in the great school of practical experience.

He learned the blacksmith trade and came to San Jose in 1910, when he worked at his trade in the employ of others for two years. Then he opened what was the beginning of his present undertaking, equipped the shop in every respect for first-class work, so that now he is able to keep busy a score or more of skilled workmen. He manufactures the W. & B. cylinder grinder, and Britton's auxiliary air valve for motorcycles, and ships his products all over the United States.

When Mr. Britton married, on September 18. 1908, he took for his wife Mrs. Flora (Kifer) Morton, a native of San Gregorio, San Mateo County, and the daughter of S. H. and Isabelle (Smith) Kifer, and they have had one son, Jack Arthur Britton. Mr. Britton likes to fish, and he is also fond of motoring, in fact he and his wife revel in California's outdoor attractions. He endeavors to remain independent in national political affairs, and is thus able to work more freely for what he believes to be the best man and the best measures. During the Spanish-American War he served in Company B, Eighth California Regular Infantry, and, served until he was mustered out with his regiment in 1899. He is a member of Wheaton Camp, Spanish-American War Veterans, and of the Chamber of Commerce.

Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
page 1052


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight