Bio-Pen Pictures

of the firm of Davis & Co., hardware merchants at No. 27 South First Street, was born at Mazatlan, Mexico, in 1845. His parents were Morgan and Ygnacia (Rodriguez) Schroder, the latter a native of Mexico and the former a native of England, who came from Mazatlan  to California with his family in 1849, and located in Santa Clara Valley in 1850. He worked at first at the Almaden mines, and in a short time took charge of the transportation of the quicksilver from the mines to Alviso for shipment. This business he followed until 1862, when he sold his teams and bought out the hardware store of E. Bessie. This business he followed until 1868, when he sold it out and went to Mexico. He returned from Mexico some years later and died here in June, 1881, and his wife died in 187-. They are both buried here.

        Albert, the subject, received his education in the public schools of San Jose and then attended the Santa Clara College for one year, and later attended the Brayton College at Oakland for two years. He then entered his father's hardware store as a salesman, in which he continued until the business was purchased by Henry B. Alvord. He remained with that firm until the business passed into the hands of Davis & Co. With this firm Mr. Schroder continued as salesman until 1886, when he purchased an interest with Mr. Davis, the firm name becoming Davis & Schroder. Mr. Schroder was married, in 1875, to Miss Kate Collins, a native of Ohio, and they have two children, Nellie L. and Alvord. He is a member of Enterprise Lodge, No 17, A. I. O. U. W., of which he has been Financial Secretary for the past nine years. His father left England at the age of twelve years, serving his apprenticeship on board a ship, and later became a mate on a vessel running between China and Mexico. Before finally settling down in Santa Clara Valley he commanded a vessel running between Mazatlan and San Francisco for some time, and the gold excitement coming on, and being unable to procure sailors to return to Mazatlan, he was obliged to sell his vessel, and he never followed the sea afterward.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 505

SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight