-A painstaking, thorough official whose knowledge of human nature and the problems of everyday life, no less than his knowledge of law, has enabled him to give entire satisfaction in matters of peculiar delicacy and responsibility, is Amos Otis Williams, the county coroner and public administrator, with headquarters at San Jose. He was born in that city on September 1, 1876, and his father was Frank E. Williams, who had married Miss Amelia White. They came to Santa Clara County in 1858, and for some time Mr. Williams was a farmer, abandoning the farm only when he became sheriff of the county. He died on December 1, 1907, survived by his good wife, who is now seventy-six years old. They had ten children, and the sixth in the order of birth was the subject of our story.

He attended the public schools, and what he did not learn there he gathered at greater cost, but perhaps more effectively, in the school of experience demanding of the pupil and actual brush with the world. When old enough to do so, he learned to build carriages, and for eighteen years followed that trade. Then, having discovered a talent for music, he went to San Francisco and for six years was the first tenor of the Knickerbocker Quartet.

Returning to San Jose, Mr. Williams on April 1, 1917, took up the undertaking business, the funeral parlors being located at 279 North First Street, the firm known as Hacking & Williams, and in 1918 Mr. Williams was elected coroner and public administrator of Santa Clara County and on January 6, 1919, he entered upon his term of office which
was extend for four years; and as he has always been deeply interested in the administration and development of Santa Clara County, he has more than made good with the public. In national politics Mr. Williams is a Republican.

On January 1, 1898, Mr. Williams was married to Miss Minnie Blewett of California, and to this union has been born three children: Charles, Lucile and Vera. Mr. Williams was made a Mason in San Jose Lodge No. 10 F. & A. M. and is a member of all the bodies of the Scottish Rite Masonry in San Jose, of the Eastern Star and in 1920 he was honored with the degree of knight commander of the Court of Honor. He also belongs to the Odd Fellows, and the encampment, the Woodmen of the World, Druids and Elks; and he is, of course, a live wire in the San Jose Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Williams' close application to his business and official duties has not prevented him from continuing his interest in music, for he is a member of the First M. E. Church choir, besides he frequently favors audiences at concerts, lodges and social
gatherings where his singing is greatly enjoyed.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1536