Bio-Pen Pictures

            Albert Oliver Hooker, D.D.S., is a son of New England, born in Vermont, March 25, 1845.  After exhausting the curriculum of the district school he attended the academy at Barre, Vermont, and studied dentistry under the instruction of Dr. N. W. Gilbert, in Montpelier, a graduate of the Dental College in Harvard University.  Dr. Hooker practiced as a partner with his preceptor several years, then came west and built up a very fine practice in Paw Paw, Michigan.  At the end of four years his health was completely broken down and he left Michigan for California, his objective point being Humboldt County.  On arriving he was but just able to walk a short distance.  He purchased a hunter’s outfit and spent several weeks in the forests and mountains.  He had expected to return to Michigan, but recuperated so rapidly under the influence of California climate that he fell in love with the country, and, being urged by his friends living here, he decided to remain.  Coming to San Jose, he bought out a dental office, and wrote to his assistant in Michigan to close up the office there and ship his goods to San Jose.  It is needless to say that the Doctor has never regretted the change during the fourteen years of his residence here, where he says he has enjoyed this delightful climate every hour.  In his dental practice Dr. Hooker has made regulating the deformities and the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty.  He is acknowledged to be one of the most skillful operating dentists on the coast.

            In 1870 Dr. Hooker married Marion Abott, a native of New York, and daughter of Rev. G. S. and Eloise Miles Abott, of literary note, whose pseudonym is “Oriole.”  They have a family of two daughters and two sons.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 396
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight