The Valley of Heart's Delight

General Merchandise
Milpitas, California

BIO- Pen Pictures

ALDACE N. ASHLEY is the proprietor of a general merchandise store in Milpitas, and has a complete assortment of goods, such as are adapted to the wants of the community in which he resides, having, in fact, one of the best regulated and furnished stores in Milpitas. Mr. Ashley is a native of California, dating his birth at Damascus, Placer County, May 13, 1864. His parents were John T. Ashley (whose sketch is given above) and Mary E. Ashley. His life, until the age of twelve years, was spent in the place of his birth, receiving such schooling as was obtainable in the schools then established. In 1876 his father moved to Auburn, the county seat of Placer County, and there Mr.Ashley availed himself of the opportunities afforded, and closely applied himself to attending the excellent public schools of that town. In 1881 he ceased attending school, and entered into an apprenticeship as a carriage, sign, and house painter. After some months at this calling he was engaged as a clerk in a drug store, and afterward as a clerk in general merchandise and grocery stores. In 1882 he went to the mines, and was engaged in the "Sunny South" mine for a year, becoming practically schooled in the various phases of mining life.

In 1883 he accompanied his father to Santa Clara County, and located in Milpitas, where he was engaged, and took charge of his father's interests in the store of Dixon & Ashley. Mr. Ashley, though but nineteen years of age,  proved himself a competent and thorough business man, and in April, 1885, he purchased Mr. Dixon's interest in the store, and continued the business in partnership with his father, under the firm name of Ashley & Co. October 26, 1886, his father died, and since that time the ownership of the store has been vested in himself.

Mr. Ashley is a member of San Jose Lodge, No. 34, I. O. O. F.; also a member of Palo Alto Parlor, Native Sons of the Golden West. He is a stanch and consistent Republican, and takes an intelligent interest in the political affairs of the day.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. transcribed by Roena Wilson , page 530


SANTA CLARA COUNTY HISTORY- The Valley of Heart's Delight
July 22, 2005