


In all the humanitarian agencies of our cilivization, no higher or more worthy work can be found than in the caring for little children whom circumstances of many sorts have made it impossible for the parent or parents to care for them in their own homes. Among the noble and gracious women with lofty ideals who have given their hands and hearts to this task is Mrs. Alice Lee Talbott, who has shown rare capability in the management of the Haven Grove Home, located near Santa Clara on the Saratoga Road, an ideal situation for an institution of this nature.

 Mrs. Talbott is a native of Colorado, where she was born at Trinidad, Los Animas County, a daughter of William Alfred and Mary Frances (Bailey) Garner. The father was a native of Tennessee and a descendant of an old and honorable family of that state. During the Civil War he fought on the Union side and was promoted to the rank of captain. On one of the marches through Tennessee his regiment passed over the plantation of Grandfather Benjamin Bailey, an extensive planter there, and it so happened that Captain Garner was entertained in the Bailey home, where he met his future wife, Mary Frances Bailey. At the close of the war he returned to the Bailey plantation to renew the acquaintance and at first his attentions were biterly opposed by the father, because he had been an officer in the Union Army, but his persistency won and the young people were later married, making their home in Lawrence County, Tenn., where Captain Garner engaged in the practice of law, becoming state senator from Lawrence County during the administration of Governor Jackson. He was a member of the committe from Tennessee that was present at the inauguration of Vice-President Johnson, and afterwards served as acting governor. Later the family removed to Trinidad, Colo., and Captain Garner became a prominent factor in the growth and prosperity of the state, then in its early days. He first followed ranching and became a large cattle owner, meanwhile locating a coal claim which eventually became very valuable and was sold to the Colorado Fuel 8s Iron Company. Later he resumed the practice of law, devoting his activities to constructive measures, and
he was instrumental in putting through the first irrigation canal in Las Animas County. He passed away in 1913, mourned by his business associates and a large circle of friends.

 Mrs. Garner was educated in the female academy at Nashville, Tenn., and was reared in the cultured environment of a typical Southern home. Coming to Colorado in the early days was a great change from the comfort and affluence of her old home, but she bravely met the trials and hardships of pioneer life. Being ambitious, she continued her studies and passed the teacher's examination, teaching school at Trinidad until her death on December 10, 1879, at the early age of thirty-four, a severe loss to the bereaved husband and children. Captain and Mrs. Garner were the parents of four children, but all have passed away but Mrs. Talbott.

Alice Lee Garner began her education in the schools of Trinidad and was then sent to Tennessee to live with her Grandmother Bailey where she attended high school. Later, on returning to Colorado, she was graduated from the State Normal School at Pueblo and became a kindergarten teacher, following her profession until her marriage to John Reck Talbott on May 20, 1892. His parents were Joseph and Marie (Reck) Talbott, and they were both natives of Ohio, where they were married, driving overland in a prairie schooner to Kansas in the early days before railroads were built, and there the father became engaged in the real estate business. John Reck Talbott was born and reared in Atchison, Kans., and while still a young man came to Colorado and engaged in the cattle business with his uncle, Frank Reck. Mr. and Mrs. Talbott have been blessed with three children: Grace Jean, a graduate of the San Jose State Normal, is a kindergarten teacher at Fresno; Alice J., a graduate nurse, is assisting her mother as a teacher; John Frank lives in San Jose.

In 1904 Mrs. Talbott came to San Jose, where she was occupied in various kinds of children's welfare work, and through this she became intensely interested in all children, and their welfare and education. During this period she had become well acquainted with members of the State Board of Charities and Correction and the State Board of Control, so that when she decided to establish a home for children she had no difficulty in obtaining the necessary authority from the state. In June, 1918, she opened Haven Grove Home; her work spoke for itself and soon her home was full of healthy, happy children. Her large residence is beautifully located for such a philanthropy, and with her unusual ability, makes the place a real home for children, whose parents are delighted to have their dear ones come under her faithful and able supervision. Her ambition in establishing Haven Grove Home was to get away from the ordinary institutional environment and make it a real home in every sense of its sacredness, providing abundantly for their material welfare with plenty of room, warmth and the best of food. The children are taught up to the fifth grade and with the individual attention given them they make rapid progress. Music is not neglected in their education, as they are not only given instruction but have their own little orchestra. Her desire in having them, under her influence is to develop in them the traits of character that will tend to make them the best of men and women for American citizenship. She is endowed by nature with those characteristics that make the children love her, thus she has their confidence and implicit faith, so that there is no difficulty in the discipline of the school. Mrs. Talbott finds great joy in the loving care she is giving these little ones, and the noble work she is doing is resulting in real and lasting good.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 90


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight