
With the development of the fruit industry in California the name of Losse is inseparably associated, and Austin N. Losse, a leading horticulturist of Santa Clara County, is ably carrying forward the work instituted by his father, who was a pioneer in the dried fruit industry in this state. Austin N. Losse, subject of this review, was born in Indianapolis, Ind., in 1881, a son of H. E. and Carrie Keogh-see brother W.C.. LOSSE BIO -transcribers note- bio of brothersays mothers maiden is FEOGH) Losse, both of whom are now deceased, the former passing away in 1918, at the age of sixty-five, while the latter's demise occurred in April, 1921, when she had reached the sixty-seventh milestone.

The father came to the Golden State in 1887, arriving here at about the same time as A. C. Kuhn, now deceased. He settled in Santa Clara County, where he purchased land, on which he engaged in the raising of fruit, which he dried and packed. He became a pioneer in the dried fruit industry, being one of the pioneer firms engaged in that business in Northern California. His initiative spirit and constructive effort enabled him to build up an enterprise of extensive proportions, the capacity of his plant approximating 25,000,000 pounds of dried fruit a year. The superiority of the output gained for it a wide sale and the products of the plant were shipped to all parts of the globe, the business being conducted as H. E. Losse & Company. Mr. Losse was also interested in financial affairs, being president of the Santa Clara Valley Bank, of Santa Clara, and he was preeminently a business man whose record was written in terms of success, for he possessed the ability to think in large terms and whatever he undertook he carried forward to a successful termination. He was a member of the St. Claire Club and was recognized as one of the foremost citizens, not only of Santa Clara County, but of the state.

In the acquirement of an education Austin N. Losse attended the grammar and high schools of San Jose and the University of California, from which he was graduated with the class of 1905. After completing his studies he became his father's associate in the dried fruit industry, with which he was connected until 1917, when the business was sold to the Rosenberg Brothers Fruit Company of San Francisco, by whom it is still conducted. Since 1917 Mr. Losse has been interested in business with his brother, Weir C. Losse, and his sister, Mrs. James C. Blair. They operate some of the choicest fruit land in Santa Clara County, being the owners of a valuable fruit ranch of 340 acres, devoted mainly to the raising of apricots, but a considerable acreage is also given over to the production of pears, plums and prunes. Upon the place are two wells, which furnish an abundant supply of water for irrigation purposes, and owing to the superior quality of the fruit it commands a ready sale. Mr. Losse is thoroughly conversant with the details connected with the production of fruit, carries on his labors scientifically, and keeps well informed on all modern developments relating to his line of work. For a number of years he had the controlling interest in the Vendome Hotel, of which he was manager in 1918.

In San Jose, on August 12, 1909, was solemnized the marriage of Austin N. Losse and Miss Louise P. McGraw, a native of Mankato, Minn., and a daughter of Dr. D. F. and Emma McGraw. The father was for many years a prominent dentist and highly respected citizen of San Jose, building up an extensive practice. Mrs. Losse attended the grammar and high schools of San Jose and completed her education at the Marlborough School of Los Angeles, Cal. Two children were born of that union. Beatrice Jessie and Henry Edward. The wife and mother passed away on December 3, 1918. a victim of
the influenza epidemic, and in that year Mr. Losse also lost his father. He is a prominent member of the St. Claire Club and is a man of high principles and substantial qualities, progressive and reliable in business, loyal in citizenship and at all times displaying devotion to the duties that devolve upon him.

Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 622


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight