The Valley of Heart's Delight

Alexander Kammerer -Santa Clara County Pioneer
SURNAMES:  Hoffman, White, Holland, Broadbent, Hunt
Bio- Pen Pictures

is a native of Santa Clara County, born in San Jose Township, August 12, 1861.  He is the son of Peter and Marian (Hoffman) Kammerer.  His father was a native of Germany, who emigrated to the United States, and came to California in 1851.  After engaging in mining and other occupations, in different parts of the State, he located in Santa Clara County in 1855.  Soon after his arrival he took up his residence upon 200 acres of land situated on what is now the King road, in the Jackson school District, about two and one-half miles east to the business center of San Jose.  Here he commenced the cultivation on improvement of the place, which he continued until his death, which occurred in 1865.  The death of Mrs. Kammerer occurred the year before.  The subject of this sketch was thus left an orphan at the age of four years.  He was then taken into the family of his guardian, J. D. White, whose farm adjoined that of this father's, and was there reared and schooled, receiving the same care and attention that were given to members of Mr. Whites family.   He was given the advantages of an education in the excellent public schools of San Jose, and is also a graduate of the Garden city Commercial college.  At the same time he was reared to farm life.  At the age of twenty-one years Mr. Kammerer came into possession of one-half of the old homestead before mentioned, since which time he has successfully cultivated and improved the same. The land is rich and productive.  Mr. Kammerer has not as yet extended his fruit cultivation beyond a family orchard, but devotes his land to hay, grain and stock.  In the latter line he is breeding horses from "Percheon and "Nutwood" strains, and has reason to be proud of his success in this enterprise.  A fine artesian well furnishes all the water required for stock and domestic use, the surplus being used for irrigation.

Mr. Kammerer is a strong Republican in politics.  He is a firm believer in the future prosperity and growth of the section in which he resides, and takes a deep interest in all public improvement tending to advance the welfare of the county.

He is united in marriage, October 17, 1883, with Miss May Catherine Holland, daughter of Simeon and Hannah (Broadbent) Holland, natives of England, but residents of Santa Clara County.  They have three children, viz: Urban A., Lester Oakley, and Marian Hannah.  Mr. Kammerer has one sister living, Lena, who married George C. Hunt, and now resides in Oakland, Alameda County.

Pen Pictures from the Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. Edited by H.S. Foote, Published, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company 1888- page 540

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