Bio- Sawyers
Born in far-off Australia, Arthur J Robinson came to this country when he was but fourteen years old, so that he has grown up a loyal and patriotic son of his adopted land.  Mr. Robinson was born in Queensland on November 20, 1889, the son of Henry and Elizabeth (Winnett) Robinson, the former a native of Ireland.  In 1903 he came with his parents to San Martin, Cal., and the family located on a ten-acre ranch there.   Of their eleven children three were born in California.
Arthur J. Robinson attended school in the San Martin district, completing the first year of the school course and then went to work on the home ranch, helping his father develop it, some of the acreage being planted to orchard.  Henry Robinson gradually added to his holdings here until at the time of his death, April 26, 1920, his estate consisted of fifty acres of fine land to which has been added thirty acres of vineyard and ten acres of prunes.
In 1913 our subject went to the  great grain districts in Manitoba, Canada, settling near Brandon, and here he became heavily interested in grain farming.  It was while here that he was united in marriage with Miss Meryle Callender, a talented young woman born and reared in Manitoba, the daughter of Mrs. Charles Callender, who resided at Brandon.  Mr. Robinson's happy married life was of but short duration, however, as his bride passed away in April 1920, but a short time after their marriage, and is was only a few days later that the bereaved husband was called to California by the news of his father's serious illness.  Despite his hurried trip he arrived here just after the father had passed away, survived by his widow and eleven children, the former now maker home at Gilroy, while his brother, George W. Robinson, manages the Robinson estate.  Arthur Robinson has an undivided interest in the Robinson holdings.  A hard worker capable and enterprising, he is devoting his time to its development and is meeting with well-deserved success.  He is a member of the California Prune and Apricot Association.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.  page 1578


BIO- Sawyers
A leading citizen of San Martin who has taken advantage of his opportunities for travel and profited thereby , and is now one of the best-informed men of the vicinity.  Robert S. Robinson left home in Ulster, Ireland, when he was nineteen to cross the ocean to America.  He was born in County Antrium, April 9, 1875, and there attended the public schools from his sixth year until finishing the course of the Model Academy in 1891.  In 1894 he came to Canada, joining his brother James Robinson, among the earliest settlers  of Manitoba and very prominent in its development.  The first cooperative marketing association was built up by James Robinson, who is now vice-president and managing director of the Saskatchewan Cooperative Elevator Company, one of the largest organizations in the world handling bulk grain.  For one year the brothers were in partnership, growing grain, but in 1896 Robert S. Robinson withdrew and conducted his farming operations alone.  He became the owner of 320 acres of land there and produced fine crops of wheat there for a number of years, the yield being as high as forty bushes to the acre.
Mr. Robinson returned to Ireland in 1909 and there was married to Miss Jennie Stewart, the daughter of William and Jennie Stewart.  The father was since passed away but Mrs. Stewart still makes her home in County Antrim. January, 1910, they returned to Canada in in 1912 Mr. Robinson removed to California, settling at San Martin, where he had been preceded by another brother, the late Henry Robinson.  Here be acquired a fine ranch and vineyard on Llagas Avenue, where he resides with his wife and mother, Mrs. Jane Cunningham Robinson, who at the age of eithty-three is still hale and hearty.  Mr. Robinson spends his time superintending the care of his vineyard and as president and manager of the San Martin Wine Company, an office he has occupied since the death of his brother Henry Robinson.  He is also a member of the California Prune & Apricot Association.  Mr. Robinson received hi citizenship papers at San Jose and since then he has been an adherent of the Democratic party.  A member of the Masonic Lodge at Morgan Hill, in religious circles he and his wife are prominent in the Presbyterian Church at San Martin, where he is a trustee.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.  page 1199